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Topic:bob-real rod- speaker cover arrived
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
mysticspotHey Bob,

the speaker cover arrived without any damage. But I don't think you charged enough. I didn't know that a coffin was included with the speaker. Wow, that box can be as either a coffin or a coffee table. The Dells "shot glass" (which held the screws) was a nice touch.

thanks again
all american chrysler

pumpkinYou will love it.
Bcoffman Gray Ghost
Originally posted by pumpkin:
You will love it.

The shot glass??

bob gaucheyMine should be soon. I hope it arrives before WOODWARD.
cnote6Its the BOMB!!!
Bob GoetzSorry for the delay in posting.

Chris GLAD IT MADE IT! Please post and send me a photo installed as the Yellow ones really stand out.

Frank per our phone call it is GONE!

Bob yours will hit the road Monday! Also Bob UPS is not paying me for any damaged parts so no need to return it, if you can hold onto it for 30 days and if anyone near you wants it that can look at it and pick it up from you $200 other wise please cut it in half and throw it away.

Leon yours will hit the road Monday!

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

This message has been edited by Bob Goetz on 08-04-2005 at 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Bob Goetz:
Also Bob UPS is not paying me for any damaged parts so no need to return it, if you can hold onto it for 30 days and if anyone near you wants it that can look at it and pick it up from you $200 other wise please cut it in half and throw it away.

That's too bad.... You switch to DHL or Fed Ex yet?

GenoTexYellow......... speakin' of yellow waterfall by RealRod...

anyone got pics to post installed? Thanks

TooHipCat I think Mean Gene has one on his Red cat. Man it really *popped* in the sunlight down in Carlisle.


ALLEY CATMeanGene has everything,,,,,,even a bad haircut, lol.

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