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ProwlerOnline is committed to preserving the history of the Prowler!
Founded in July 2000, this site was designed for you, the Prowler Enthusiast to freely share information and to meet other people that share the same passion. We invite ALL Prowler Enthusiasts, owners, want-to-be owners and admirers to join in the site and activities.
ProwlerOnline is a not for profit association/club with expenses funded totally through site advertisers and private contributions. ProwlerOnline is a FREE site for all enthusiasts to enjoy. There are no membership dues or fees, but we do ask that if you're enjoying your experience that you please help contribute to support the POA on a yearly basis.
Mike Krehel has been a Prowler enthusiast since 1997. Mike owns several Prowlers and has much expertise to share in both technical issues and performance modifications.
Tony Goertz is also a longtime Prowler Enthusiast who in 1998 started the Prowler Owners Association. Tony is the developer of the ProwlerOnline Scrapbooks and Owners Registry. All of the information found on the earlier site has been incorporated here..
Together, Mike and Tony have joined efforts to make this the best online Prowler experience for you to enjoy.
Enjoy your new site - the Prowler Spirit is Alive.

All Material Contained Herein, Copyright 2000-2008
E-Innovations, LP