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Topic:What makes a GOOD & BAD PHOTOGRAPHER
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Northern CatI found this an interesting Subject...

We all seen this...don't show all your photos....
Just the really good ones no one wants to look at a bunch
of blurry bad snap-shots.. Don't Bore your audience


First rule of a good photographer...
Don't show your bad shots

What are your trying to convey with your picture

Don't show picture after picture of the same thing

Just because you find a picture of your subject of interest to you, most of the audience may not...4 or 5 good shots are much better that 50 bad boring ones

What makes this a Great shot or not

Feel free to post your great Shots
and some you feel not so much (Really Bad)

Tell us what you love about their shots and how it might be improved

We can all learn from this

Post your photos and see what others think and how they might be improved.

For the purpose here, lets try and keep it Car related

(Mostly Prowler Pictures etc.)


catfishnot a even a good shot,just your average photo.i know whats wrong.you tell me whats wrong with the photo.lets see if we agree.most people wouldnt know a great photo if they had one.no,offense people,it true.many things comprise a great photo.1 out of 100 might be good-1 out of 1000 might be great,if your lucky.it all really comes down
to peoples perception of the photo.sbject matter does not come into effect of great photo.its all about composition.
its even possible to come up w/a great photo by accident,meaning everything was there to begin with by accident.no composition used.


This message has been edited by catfish on 10-06-2008 at 02:04 PM

Northern CatWell...I might crop the big guy out of the shot to start with....and that would center the kats better in the picture..
PanteraI'd put the Purple car in front


Purple 1999--Chrome wheels, Stainless Grille, Mopar/Borla Performance Exhaust, Prowler Pro Gears, K&N Air filter, Shimmers, ceramic brake pads, Splash Guards, Chrome Shift Bezel, Flame Ball Shifter, Chrome Headrest Covers, Wonder Bar, Spinners, Infinity Kappa speakers, Get-A-Way luggage trunk, Hardtop, & a smile from ear to ear...

Northern CatBrain, I thought of that too....but it would have been Blue
but they wouldn't give me the keys..and if you remember
we drew names for the order of the kats


I didn't shoot this shot..but love the sky

This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 10-06-2008 at 02:38 PM

catfishyes.get rid of the guy and polls on the left.shouldnt have benn in there to begin with.to much sky and use a different lens,and tone down the brightness a little.


Kevin AGuy removed and a few of the people at the end of the row of Kats...

Northern CatKevin...Nicely Done....

Ok...Who's Next..Step up with your good or bad pic
and lets see if the panel can do with it

This message has been edited by Northern Cat on 10-06-2008 at 10:14 PM

catfishlooks great kevin.could you post them side by side so we can get a better perspective.


MM84I tend to like the colors very bright.

it is a day at the beach after all.

Northern CatIf I had to choose, I would give MM84 a slight edge
I do like those clouds and like he said, we are at the beach


black and white is always nice
EdsCatHow about a little "sunshine" in the picture...

Originally posted by EdsUp:
How about a little "sunshine" in the picture...

Now THAT IS a GOOD shot!

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