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Topic:Texas Stampede
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cnote6Hey This is Kevin AKA Stone Cold. I'm using cnote's name until my registration goes through. My internet cable router crashed while I was at the Texas Stampede so I could not get on line from home. I have to tell you all, I have been a lot of places and met nice people here and there. But I have NEVER met a whole crowd of people who were ALL great to be around. You welcomed me and Joie (my wife)in like you have known us for years.The parking lot parties were great too. It's hard to the last man standing with Bob & Chris there. Being a POA lurker since Jan 2003 (and I am now coming out of the lurking closet)I learned a ton about my prowler from this website. Now after going to an event, I see why you all get along so well together. I want to send out a special thanks to the Henkels and Fishers for putting on such an awesome event.That is a HUGE job coordinating that many cars and people. And also to the Krehels for their gracious hospitality. Now I'm sorry I had to leave early and miss the drag races(women racers, you gotta love em). Sounds like it was an awesome event and I won't be missing it next time. Special thanks to Marty & Rebecca Usher for letting us use their 2 way radio. So that's what their used for lol.We will have our own next time. It was an event we will never forget and I cannot wait until the next one.Sincerly,Kevin. P.S. Chris. You funny guy.
TFischerHey Kevin: It was great to meet you and Joie after talking with you several times on the phone. We were so glad you were able to make the event. I told you the drags would be the best part - LOL. Watch what you say about women racers - I know where Sachse actually is!! LOL We'll make sure and keep you in the loop when we have local events so you two can go with us. There will be some coming up soon. Tami and Ken
Bob Goetz"Stone Cold" how did you get that nick name? Yes the POA family is a good one, who would think that a car would bring such a diverse group of people together. Great to finally meet you and hope to see you at Woodward?.

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

BeWareNice meeting you. See ya at Woodward.
ALLEY CATKevin - Glad you were able to attend the Stampede event. I thought you were part of hotel security, lol. Liked your candy cat



As first timers, Amy and I know exactly how you feel, as we share your sentiments. Enjoyed getting to know you at the garage parties and look forward to hooking up with you in the future, as well as with all my new POA friends.

I have spent this whole week telling all my friends about this special week I spent with a bunch of people I didn't know, but now feel like I could call any one of you for help if I was in your area. That is a real nice feeling to have, knowing you are part of a caring fraternity.

Jon and Amy

ALLEY CATJon and Amy - It gets better with each event you attend,,,,,either local, regional, or national, we are one big family I have never found such a diverse group of people willing to help each other out as I have at our website.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-19-2004 at 04:19 PM



Marty UsherEveryone had to attend thier first POA event at some point. The most important part is to be sure and attend your SECOND event. That's where you get to meet new friends AND visit with the old friends you made at the last event.


DR PROWLERKevin,that 2 way radio you were using has been around the world a few times,ask Marty!

Chris PHONED me and said you guys met the other night at some car show and talked what else-Prowlers.With a few beers,of course.
Best of luck.


prwlynKevin, it was a pleasure meeting you both. As it has been said many times, the cars bring us together but it is the people that keep us together!

Fred J. Henkel
"Prowler is the Lord Of The Looks"

CJKevin........it was great meeting you and talking with you. You're candy cat is awesome. Glad to see you are posting and that you enjoyed the event so much.

Now........how about coming up to Michigan for Woodward in August? 1.4 million of your closest personal friends and 35,000 + hot rods!!

cnote6Here is his car at the event!!

Stone ColdCJ,
The woodward event sounds great and I am definitely going to try to make it. It was great talking to you and I LOVE your louvered side panels on your kandy kat.
The car show was a lot of fun. We just need to get more prowlers up there (hint when you move to Texas) to keep up with vettes.
P.S.Thanks for the pic. of my kat Chris, it looks great.
TFischerKevin: I appreciate the fact that you keep putting that great looking silver in the background all of the time!!! LOL Sorry I didn't make it to the car show - my car is still a mess - no time yet to thoroughly clean it up! Tami

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