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Topic:Taking Prowler to Germany
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
trenthansonI am in the Military and moving to Germany, I've seen a few web sites where Prowlers are oversea's. I am trying to find out if I have to put my front bumpers back on?

Thank you

Y2KRedProwlerJust sent PM with info for contact in Germany
stprinzhello there,
i don't have any front bumpers on my kat and allmost all of my prowler firends don't have them on there kat's.

even when i did the TÜV (ever two years you have to have your car checked by state law if this still road legal) i never had problems.

for better informations and e great contact send a pm to CONDOR on poa.
see you soon on the german autobahn....

trenthansonThanks for the information. The Prowler looks a lot better without bumpers, plus I was trying to figure out how to take off the turn signal/insert cover. (insert that covers bumper hole)
padrooCould be some people don't know Prowlers and think they came that way without bumpers that is. Some people know cars and some don't. We think Germans have the Autobahn, BMW and Mercedes so they must know about cars right? I would guess they are like us here in the states, some do and some don't!
stprinzI agree with you padroo

As your Prowler stay´s in US registration there will be no need to put your front bumpers on. They do not effect the air bag sensors.
Our local german / american car club in the rhein-main-area ( around the wiesbaden airfield) has a couple prowlers in the club. www.goodguys.info

There are some american gi´s here, who can help you.
if you run in problems.

In my closer neightboorhood running 5 prowlers, 6 ssr´s and hundreds of the new muscle cars.

My custom Kat pic. http://www.prowleronline.com/scrapbook/newscrapview.php?id=735

Greets, matthias


This message has been edited by condor on 12-04-2011 at 06:16 AM

trenthansonI am looking forward to driving around Germany.
Thanks for all the good info and sending the Web links.
Your Prowler looks very nice!

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