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Topic:Radar Speeding Ticket
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
katatakBeautiful day, top down traveling 55 on my way home from a Saturday car cruise, four pm approached a clear unobstructed length of highway this is secondary black top road visibility, sunny clear no vehicles in front of me none behind,I can see about 3/4 of a mile ahead, farm field on right 1/2 - 3/4 mile long three houses well off the road on the left spaced over the 3/4 mile of open road. Road goes down a grade for about 1000 feet then flattens out and goes up a hill which you cannot see any oncoming traffic approx 3/4 of a mile a way from where I am at.

I am on my way home, thinking this is my last cruise for the year, seeing the above conditions of traffic and road.

I accelerated approx three seconds, local township police car crests oncoming hill at least 1/2 mile away. I have already let off the gas before or same time the officer crested the hill. waiting to hear that small Prowler rumble when the gas is released it was only then I saw the Police car.

Radar reading 73 - 74 - 72 - 70 - 71 Ticket written for five over = $110.00 fine two Points on my clean & clear record. I have been told at least a 10% increase in Insurance cost, currently 3000.00 a year = 300 a year x three years $900.00.. This is one very expensive three seconds on the accelerator.

Any Suggestions or do I take the lump.

Kevin AWow, I'd change car insurance companies. I pay about $550/year with Allstate for full coverage and reasonable deductions and no restrictions. I also have three other cars on the same policy, but it is still cheaper than my 2004 Honda Accord to insure!

katatakI have 3 cars, a van & 2 trailers on my automobile policy.
Kat DaddyWow - sounds like a serious case of bad timing!

In most counties around middle Tennessee, you can go to court and plead guilty, pay the fine and attend "traffic school" if it's a first offense moving violation. This keeps the points off your record so they don't impact your insurance rates.

mspe01I can't believe you of all pepole to get busted (with all the speeding I do lol) must have been richfield twp? I think you should call a friend to get a new rate. hint hint. A friend tried to claim it was the radar guns fault with perfect conditions for air inversions,best used on a rookie officer and not the judge. when I was 16 the officer kicked my rear tire (60's) and said keep her down so Bill keep her down
EdsCatYup - change insurance companies. 10% hike for one lousy ticket? Pretty steep!
MDProwlerGo to court.
Postpone the first time since the officer will be scheduled to be there. When you go the second time if the officer is not there you may have a good chance of getting off. With aclean record you may get treated well.
nitrosteveTry Wawanesa Insurance you will be pleasantly surprised at the low low rates.
phil2237You can also request the court to verify the radar gun was calibrated within the last 12 months, If the officer fails to produce a certificate of calibration, It will be dismissed.
99.9% of the time, The officer will not have it.

This message has been edited by phil2237 on 10-16-2007 at 06:38 PM

ALLEY CATFirst > do as MD suggests,,,,

Next plead this > No cars on road anywhere?,,,,,what is a reasonable and prudent speed with no other cars, on that stretch of road?

You felt under those conditions,,,that 69 and 70 mph was reasonable and prudent, considering the road conditions and lack of any other traffic. jmo

Also,,,yes, you might check around for another insurance company > outrageous increase!!

Damn speeders,,,,,,

TLRandallTake a Defensive Driving Course and change Insurance Companies.

In Texas, the ticket is the Officer's complaint, he does not have to be there, just you. Also, the radar is only a verification of the speed. If it did actually go to trial, He, the officer, must testify that he observed the vehicle speeding over the posted limit, and that he verified that fact using the Radar equipment. How fast you were going is irrelevant in determining guilt or innocence, just the fact that you were driving above the posted limit. The actual speed is only used in determining the punishment. Not sure how the speeding law is written there, but I would guess they are similar. Having a radar unit or pacing you is not required for writing you a speeding ticket.

In our training, many many years ago I might add, we would have to tell our instructor how fast the vehicle was going before we could turn on the radar, and would have to be within 5 MPH above or below the actual speed 80% of the time to pass the Radar Operators Course.

A speeding ticket can be beat, just depends on the court more than anything else.

This message has been edited by TLRandall on 10-16-2007 at 08:05 PM

idiveSeveral options...
1. What MD said
2. Ask the court for Defensive driving course to get ticket dismissed. Can take it online, or even at some comedy clubs (taught by a comedian.) Don't tell insurance company you took it for a ticket and get a 10% discount on insurance.
3. Ask for deferred adjudication. If you stay clean for "X" amount of time, ticket is dismissed. (I'm on 90 days myself now. COME ON CHRISTMAS!)
4. What AC said. Many moons ago, I had a (then lawyer, now judge) for a defensive driving teacher. He said that if you can prove conditions allowed you to speed, you could LEGALLY speed. (Other than for an emergency situation.) Bear in mind that ALL conditions are very rarely met simultaneously. These would include, but not be limited to, a well rested driver with 20/20 sight with no health impairments, driving a road in good condition in a vehicle in excellent running condition with full tread on the tires, with excellent visibility and ample light, no rain, little to no traffic, etc. You get the picture... If you can prove that you "could" exceed the speed limit, you have a chance, but even then, you have to get another judge/jury to accept your excuse. I'd have that judge I mentioned in the courtroom on my behalf. You won't.
5. I could list all kinds of ways you can beat the radar, but then Tom would be ticked off at me, and he's already on me over a little sticker issue. Which reminds me... did you get YOUR stickers yet TOM?
Whatever you do, consider changing insurance companies. $150K agreed value on your Prowler is only $2K/yr. 10% bump for one ticket is a bit much.
Good luck!
ed monahanLocally the first appearance is just for your plea. The cop is NOT there, ever. If you plead not guilty you get a new court date and the officer is supposed to be there. If he doesn't show up the Pros. will probably ask for and receive a continuance. I am sure that procedure varies wildly in diff. areas.
I have 3 cars and a m/c and I pay about $ 2200 year, I think. I don't pay for all of it once, each car is on its own policy and is billed on its anniv so I never figured out the total cost.
PiddlerCall GMAC, hard to beat there price.

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quincyYour from Michigan and your screwed! Our 'no fault' and 'unlimited medical costs paid forever' give us some of the highest rates in the country. I just pitched a 'bi*ch' a month ago when MIC (GMAC) jacked up my rates. They base the rates on six items. Different scores based on these items place you into different 'tiers'. Type of car (repair history/theft rate), points on license, credit score (this one inflamed me), zip code, age, and children on the policy.
My credit score was excellent, they (MIC) hadn't pulled a credit check up for two years. I requested another look and they discounted me $105.00 and jumped me up a 'tier'. But they also told me my youngest child had a speeding ticket last October (big surprise to me) and the two points will cost me big time for the next three years! Every year I call around or get quotes on the internet, but the costs are so close its not worth the effort to flip. Good Luck! If you discover some 'Grey Area' let us know please!

This message has been edited by quincy on 10-18-2007 at 10:48 AM

UK ProwlerFanPhil2237 said that it is a good idea to ask if the gun is calibrated and that is also something that is recommended in the UK. Another thing that may be of use and still apply in the States is to ask for proof of the Officer's training to use the gun and whether retraining etc is up to date. However, bearing in mind what another member said about the gun being back up only for the Officer's estimation that you are speeding, you may be out of luck either way. Good luck.

UK ProwlerFan

Northern CatThis might be of help to you
pumpkinThanks for the web site. Good info.
catfishgood luck w/your ticket--allstate ins.co.if you ever have a seroius wreck you will wish you did not have allstate.next to allied and nationwide they are the worst.


onecatnodogGreat read... Thanks for the info and will store it till needed... onecatnodog
katatakNorthern Cat Thanks for posting web site This is the best I have seen so far. I have already jointed The National Motorist Association. (NMA) waiting to receive their material.

Thanks Bill KATATAK

Northern CatNo Problem Bill...My family is filled with Police and Lawyers
all ways good to know the law and how to use it correctly



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condorI Germany, usually the police has to show you ( proof) what you did wrong. They di this by messuring your speed by video and take a photo. In US a police officer can just say,.. you drove to fast.
Two time a was tired of this discussion and put the pedal to the metal. The usual Ford Cop cars are not that fast.
Last time they stoped me in cleaveland on the 55 highway with 98mp/h. I was not speeding, just past a car in front of me quick. We do this here in Germany often, its safer as to pass with a different speed distance of 3mp/h of bouth cars for miles, like in the US. Ok, I was sitting wih hand cuffs for a wile in the back of the partol car, the officer called his chief, he ansered, o´my got, a german, give him a warning and kick him out... luck for me....
Past week a was traveling along highway 5 from SFO to LA and back.( cruising 70mp/h with CC, only for maybe 10miles I run
150mp/h) Almost no CHP showed presence during my trip. We have a lot more civil and autobahn police cars on the road than this is compare to the US now. But the good thing for USA tourist, riding along the autobahn. You get only a speeding ticket, that you have to pay imidently. We get points and loose out driving licens if get cought.
The thing´with the enjurance is new to me. I think we will get this - problem- sooner or later to in Europe.

This message has been edited by condor on 10-21-2007 at 08:54 AM

SnomanBill,,This has been bugging the hell out of me. So today while on our cruise the answer came to me! Go to court plead not guilty. Tell them you were on your way to get a hair cut. Because your damn long hair always blows in your face while driving,,and you can't see the damn speedo. Now this will only work if you do go and cut off all your hair.Hope this helps you I worked hard on it!

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