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Topic:Prowler Resale Again
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Bob GoetzSince my dad is in the buy and sell business and I talk to a lot of Prowler Owners that want to sell or buy I try to do a search every couple of weeks to see what the market is doing. And it must be spring fever cause the retail and wholesale is up from last month.

Retail Listings:

Last month doing a search for 97 to 2001 Plymouth Prowlers there was 118 cars and the average asking retail was $33,164.

This month the same search brings up 111 cars at $35,344.

2002 25 cars Average asking $40,022
2001 27 $38,316
2000 42 $35,027
1999 41 $34,195
1997 4 $30,395

Some may say the numbers are off because of a few listings that are high but averaged over 111 with several listings that are low for high milers I think it gives a real good idea of what a average to nice car is worth.

Also average cars at auction in the midwest are bringing the $31,000 range.

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

halicatThanks for this Bob....

things are looking up !

please keep us posted....

quincyThanks Bob,
Very interesting statistics! Not a whole bunch of Prowlers on E-Bay, but a ton on collector car trader (66) last week. More than I have seen the last few years. Is is just spring or do you think a lot of people are looking for 'new toys'?
pumpkinThanks Bob.
Dead End DonThanks for the figures.

Personally, I am very happy about the way my car is holding its value...

Rapid appreciation is an unrealistic expectation for these cars, I think, but it's nice that they aren't depreciating like a "normal" car.

It's rare to be able to buy a car, drive it for a few years, and then get what you paid for it when it's time to sell....

CJThat's good news for Prowler owners.
Bob MillerThanks for the interesting stats Bob.
BeWareThanks Bob
CTProwlerI have a Friend here in CT with a Silver. He would like to sell it and buy a Orange. Anyone selling a Orange?


Prowler2000Those are numbers I have never seen before. I appreciate you posting them. Makes me feel good about my purchase. Thanks!


Originally posted by CTProwler:
I have a Friend here in CT with a Silver. He would like to sell it and buy a Orange. Anyone selling a Orange?

Yes! $80,000.00 - nice clean car.

Bob MillerChuck - you have a VERY smart friend there wanting an ORANGE. Like I always say, "go Orange or go home..."
pumpkinYour friend sure has a keen eye for great colors, Chuck.

This message has been edited by pumpkin on 03-15-2005 at 04:49 PM

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