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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Performance Chips for Prowler
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
I am thinking of geting a after market performance chip for my 2001 Prowler
Do they really work and which one works the best? with Prowler ?
Thanks, Jeff
idiveSave your money. Drop some dexitrim in your tank. You'll get more speed outta that than you will any chip.
ALLEY CATJeff,,,,,,,,


you'd have better luck throwing darts at it

The deeper gears will give you a smile though.......

catfisha long time ago.super chip made one available for a short time=4 hp-700.00 to 800.00,worthless.


This message has been edited by catfish on 12-24-2010 at 07:11 AM

Dave MillsI researched this years ago. Waste of money. The other options suggested are better.
alrtgI have seen this question arise in the past and from what I recall, the factory tweaked the computer as best as they could to get as much performance from the car. There is not much room if any for improvement.
The only result as I understand it when buying an aftermarket chip is that you would be making someone else happy.
dbudnerThe money would be better spent on gears or a 5.0 stroker. I have no problem smoking the tires or grabbing second with the gears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulNe9Nm1IjM
dartmasterThanks for the good advice, I'll forget about that idea.
Merry Christmas


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