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Topic:Packing about to begin!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
prwlynDang, how big is the Prowler trailer again??? Between our two trailers I still think we'll need an 18 wheeler rig but we're packing and heading out on Saturday morning.
The front container is just maps. Next we have to pack clothes, good thing we're in seperate cars so we have the passenger seat also.. Can't wait!!

Fred J. Henkel
"Prowler is the Lord Of The Looks"

Bob GoetzIf it dont fit in my trunk and the weekender it stays home. Got my car back today from the dealer and have 1 small issue to fix, then clean it up and head out saturday!

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

dpenaHey Bob,

I fly out Sunday afternoon to TEXAS!!!

Very Cool!!!


(Watch Me Burn Rubber) (Need a Banner, get the Details) (Visit My other Sites)

Bob GoetzWell Dan I think you are flying at 30,000 feet, as for me only about 8 inch's! But it makes me happy!

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

prwlynBob I'm with you, if the good Lord wanted us to fly we would have wings!! Of course in my case the Rockies and Smokies count as flying!! :o)

Fred J. Henkel
"Prowler is the Lord Of The Looks"

ed monahanFred, good luck getting the desk, chair and computer into the trailers.
CJFred.......ask Ed how he got all his stuff down to Tennessee!
ed monahanI almost posted that. The least you could do is OFFER to help him.
I used the famous firm of Longstreth, Longstreth & Genet. The shipping dock was Frisch's Big Boy restaurant. I was still overloaded when it came time to leave. I don't know how CJ got more stuff into that trailer. It was bulging at the seams when they pulled in the lot, but she stashed 100 or so shirts in there. Phil took the rest of it, as he arrived about 5 minutes after they did. I needed an 18 wheeler for all that stuff.
This year I only have one rear bumper to deliver along with a Sworsky (?) Porsche, a set of Prowler front end protectors and 38 license plate frames plus some left over Prowlin the Smokys shirts.
Thank goodness A/C shared his underwear rotation system with me, so I only need three pair. lol.
GenoTexDrive safe Ed, CJ... and have fun!
CJEd............WildBill says please bring his 4 license plate frames and thanks!!
prwlynAny body find a Roof Rack for the Prowler??? We'll look like the Clampetts arriving at the Hotel!

Good point Ed, I'll leave the desk and chair home. :o)

Fred J. Henkel
"Prowler is the Lord Of The Looks"

TFischerSame here - will have the front passenger seat, trunk and luggage carrier filled!! I will probably have to drive top down just to get everything in the seat!! LOL See you on Saturday!! T
CJHave a safe trip and see you soon!
Wayne Finch
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Thank goodness A/C shared his underwear rotation system with me, so I only need three pair. lol.

Ouch......that's a mental picture I really don't need to see

prwlynWayne, it isn't going to be a problem with AC. The Hotel is supplying us with a hose bib in the parking lot so if we need too we can have a GI party for AC!!!

Fred J. Henkel
"Prowler is the Lord Of The Looks"

DR PROWLERDon't forget the keyboards(we gotta have some live music when the party begins)...
meancatTo bad I did not know, I'm coming down with a empty trailer and coming home with an empty trailer.The least a guy could do is help haul some stuff.(Oh will)


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