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Topic:Nice day at a Car Show in Brenham
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TLRandallI went to the "Blast From The Past" Car Show in Brenham today, and had a lot of fun. Got to see a lot of the folks that I generally hit the circuit with, and althought it started off pretty windy, it was a great day! Jason had to cancel at the last minute due to work, so just the Mulholland went, and it won Best in Open Class.

Here are a few pics:


SunshineWow!!! Great pics congratulations again!!! I didn't know anything about it, would of love to have gone!!!
GenoTexSome serious sweet rides there!

Spent many a day in Brenham

TLRandallSunshine, that was my second year at this show, didn't win last year but had enough fun to go again. You should have come, but don't bring Mickey, he hates when I win!

Geno, several of those are from the Bryan and Caldwell Groups, and we try to make the area shows together. They really do bring some very nice rides out to these!

SirRealCongrats!!! It's uncanny how close that resembles a show that the ECP usually does in Leonardtown MD. I had to look twice. Once again congrats
TLRandallThanks Jeff, a lot of these small towns do these, and I love getting out and attending this type of show. You get to meet a lot of great people, hang around with a bunch of car nuts like ourselves, and share our passions about our hobby to anyone that will stop and talk. Sure beats spending a Saturday cutting the lawn!
PiddlerGood for you!
Some good looking rides there.

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