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Topic:KY Speedway Drive the track
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanLook in the Events discussion for the info. Sat. Nov. 6th.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 10-26-2004 at 01:43 AM

ed monahanJust putting this up for more views.
Marty UsherEd - can you bring both Prowlers so I can drive one?
ed monahanThat is a very tempting offer, especially in light of your Prowler on the race track record. lol.
CJWhat? It was together long enough to run on a track!??
CJWhat? It was together long enough to run on a track!??
Marty Usher
Originally posted by CJ:
What? It was together long enough to run on a track!??

uh - I ran with the Vipers and the Supercharged Ram 1500 at the Chelsea Proving Grounds. Doesn't that count?

Marty UsherOK - so I have to eat my words. I may not make it on Nov 6 because I may not have time in my schedule to pick it up before then. The engine work is done and all I know is I "should be real happy" with the new found power. Norm at Westech took the car into a DC dealeron Friday since my extended warranty runs out Oct 31st and the dealer needed to order parts - shocks, hood struts, tranny parts, and rear brake parts - so it may not be ready until Wed or Thursday. Theree is a chance I willdrive up Friday night, spend the night there and drive back Saturday in time to make a run at the track if you all go in the mid afternoon. Don't make your plans around me, but I'll try to make it if I can!

I am REALLY excited about getting it back soon.


ed monahanHow long does it take to get home from "up there"? We will be going 1 PM or so, if the weather is good.
Marty UsherED - like I said, don't wait on me. It's about a 6 1/2 hour drive if no traffic delays in Chicago. I am trying to work out going up Thursday evening and driving back Friday but that eats up one more vacation day, so we'll see.

If you all go around 1 PM you should still be there fir a while anyway. As I remember from Spring 2003, they let us stay into the late afternoon! I think I have your cell phone # so I'll call if it looks like I can make it that day.

ed monahanMarty, ask Neal Bardens how to get around the Chicago traffic on the lower part and avoid Gary, IN. It is WAAAAAAY better. I would know how to do it but I don't recall the names of the streets.
Looking at the map it is basically south on I-94 to 394 to Rt 30 East but he had a couple of extra turns to avoid even that main road. It was great.
Marty UsherEd - hopefully on Sat early AM I won't have a problem. Out of frustration I have found a couple of alternate routes by heading South in Ill. and then going East and hooking back upon I-65. Any suggestions would be welcome.

On my last trip up there to drop off the car I was on I 90 sjyway when I came up on a wreck and I exited at Route 41 but missed a turn somewhere and ended up driving through the heart of South Chicago unti I found my way to LakeShore Drive. Now THAT was an eye opening cruise!

Hopefully when I go to pick the car up, it will the last of my dozen or so round trips over the last year & a half - unless I am heading to the Dells event!

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