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Topic:Ebay ...Prowler...secret bidders....gimme a break !!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE...I watch the action on Ebay for Prowlers/Vipers all the time....currently there is a 2000 black Prowler on Ebay that has been on there 2 previous times....both times the auction was ended in the $30K to $31K range.....it was then advertised on the POA board....now all at once it is bidding to a very nice price and EVERY SINGLE BID(there are 20 currently)is a "secret identy"....I checked EVERY SINGLE Prowler and Viper on Ebay and found no other SECRET BIDS on ANY car....and this Prowler has 20 secret bidders or bids ???....doesn't this seem a little strange, or am I just overly neurotic ??? any Ebay experts out there that can give me an answer ....inquiring minds you know !!!
prowlergirlPrivate auctions and secret bidders on ebay cause me great concern, and I probably would not partipate in such an auction. Ron
tangled up in BLUE...You would think the odds are AT LEAST ONE bidder wouldn't be a secret....why all the secrecy on this one car.....
............ps. Ron.....next weekend....MOPAR NATIONALS
ProwlerWhether or not to publicize bidder identities is set by the seller. The seller controls if the identities are made public or not. Bidders have no choice in the matter. Good way for friends of the seller to run up the bid without exposing themselves. IMO, only sellers that are trying to hide something operate this way. Avoid them!

This message has been edited by Prowler on 08-03-2003 at 06:13 PM

prowlergirlt.u.i.b. see you in ohio. Look me up at Hampton Inn. Ron
tangled up in BLUEProwler....I ran a car thru Ebay about a year ago, and had 12-15 bids, and one of them was a secret bidder.....I didn't even know there was such a thing and I got one.....
brian99I don't think the private auctions are always crooked. I buy and sell arcade games sometimes on ebay and have had people contact the bidders on my games to say they have a game just like it they will sell for cheaper than the current bid. Some seller also have private auctions like that to protect the bidders. I have seen a scam where the scammer contacts a bidder about buying a cheaper game they have for sale. The bidders sends the money and never sees the game. They aren't protected by any ebay rules because it was not actually an auction. However it is also against ebay rules to send spam. But at that point I am sure the scammer does not care about rules.
However in this case it sure does look fishy.
Black Tie 161Ebay gives me the creeps.....period.
JamesMTangled up in blue: This was my post, not sure if you ended up seeing the end result, but here is the marathon link: http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/001687.html

FYI to all who use ebay, I recently learned about private auctions, they are the safest way to go. Ebay is scam central, there are two reasons why you should keep auctions private. First off, people don't like to bid on items that show their email address. Ever wonder why after you bid on an item on ebay, you receive more and more junk mail? People spend all day on ebay collecting email addresses and then selling those addresses to third parties, such as porn sites. Secondly, people literally steal sales. For example, let's say Tangled up in BLUE lists that killer colored prowler of his on ebay. I bid on the car, with my email address exposed. Within fifteen minutes, I would be receiving emails from other prowler owners and dealers who have a prowler on ebay with a line like "hey did you see this prowler I have listed, same color, same year, for five grand less. Tangled up in BLUE would lose the sale. I agree with you though, ebay is a creepy place with creepy people. On my last post you will notice that I decided not to sell the Kat but did write that I wanted to keep the car on ebay to see what bids came in on it. All of those bids were legit, heck I don't think I have 15 friends to help me bid......just kidding. Semper Fi!!

Richard JacksonI buy and sell on E-bay all the time. Never a problem. However, a big dollar item, might give me pause. I have not been scamed, or defrauded. I have sold items in the $1500 range.


SuperKatI agree, secret bidders and private auctions are of great concern. I collect autographs in addition ot prowler stuff and almost always, the private auction is not good. It certainly sets up a playing field conducive to fraud even if that is not the intent.
CTProwlerI buy stuff all the time and i only buy from people with good feedback, and I ask questions etc. The number of bids has no bearing on how many people are bidding. I could bid 10 times on one item and so could another guy. So 20 bids could only be 2 people! I don't like Private auctions either, never have never will.


tomdenise1I have 49 completed transactions on ebay, including buying a car. You just have to review a sellers feedback, ask a lot of questions and feel good about the whole ordeal. If it seems fishy, don't do it. The same item will more than likely be available again from somewhere else.

A couple of rules I follow, always...
Never bid on something from someone with no feedback. That seems unfair to people just getting started, but hey, it's my money.

Never bid on something without a photo.

And I always look at the last few things the person has bought/sold. If they've been dealing in nothing but teddy bears and now they happen to have a "very rare, limited edition, gold plated" whatever that's like $5000, you have to be suspicious.

And I usually don't do anything but PayPal.

My $.02.



1999 Black w/NeoBlue Streetglow Gold Series
2001 PT Cruiser - Heavily modified
1997 Jeep Cherokee Sport - Hauler for the twins - Tom V and Ainsley - born 3-17-03!

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