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Topic:Considering Purchase - Any Advice?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BryceWI have been seriously considering purchasing a prowler, and thought I would post a message to see if anyone has any advice. I am located in Oregon, and currently there are 2 red '99s for sale (somewhat close). I have not looked at them yet (other than pics), but they both seem to be good.

One of them has approx. 18K miles, and the dealer is asking $40K! I did tell him that this was high, and he seemed like he would consider a reasonable offer (I was thinking more like $32K to $35K?).

The second one has approx 36K miles, and the asking price is $35K. Over the phone, the salesman said he would sell it for $32,500 (sounds like I could possibly get it for even less since he dropped the price so quick...) Apparently the owner of this one was local, and he has all the records.

I am told that both are in great condition. Each has been for sale for about 1 month. Are there any specific questions I should ask? Are these reasonable prices?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I would love to own one of these cars, and may just decide to go for it!


Marty UsherIf you like RED, here is link to a 2000 with less than 10,000 miles for $30,000. You could fly in and have the trip of your life driving it back across the country!

The 2000 and newer had slightly softer suspension, chrome shifter bezel, automatic volume adjustment on the radio as speed/cabin noise changes, and in the mirror trip computer.


Or here's a Purple 99 with lots of nice extras in Texas:

Or a custom 99 Red for $27K

This message has been edited by Marty Usher on 07-24-2006 at 09:32 AM

SimonsezI am selling a beautiful yellow '99 for $30,000. It only has 9,500 miles on it! Pick it up in Indiana and drive it home.

This message has been edited by Simonsez on 07-24-2006 at 11:58 AM

Marty Usher
Originally posted by Simonsez:
I am selling a beautiful yellow '99 for $30,000. It only has 9,500 miles on it! Pick it up in Indiana and drive it home.

Bruce - I thought you had that sold to someone in Evansville or I would have listed your's also!

Bob GoetzIf you want a custom black one I will let mine go for $35,000

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

DIXIE CatI can personally vouch for this one Marty posted a link to. Haven't seen the others but you can't go wrong with any Prowler. Good luck to you!
Kevin AGiven the miles and the availability of other Kats with lower miles and lower prices, I would either throw a real world offer at the dealer ($30k max) or move on to another.

Have them verify the ball joint recall was done.

Look at the wheels for peeling on the inside barrel (they all do to some extent.)

Keep looking and you will find a deal. (I did!) Settle on a color and enjoy the hunt. They are all about the same but the 2000 and newer cars have softer suspensions and a couple of interior bits (thermometer and compass in rear view mirror) but beyond that a '99 is about the same as a '02.

ondoneI concur with Kevin. Biggest thing will be your color choice. I told myself I wanted yellow or purple. I'd seen both in person and thought that was it. About 2 mo ago I saw a black one for a great price that happened to be in the same city I was flying into for vacation from Japan. I looked at it and fell in love with black. Then I saw an orange one...WOW...would I love to have one it THAT color.

Bottom line: 1) prioritize your color choices. 2) determine what condition you will settle for--mint/showroom, weekend cruiser, daily driver, etc. 3) settle on your price - and if buying outside your local area have someone on this site check it out. These guys are great!

ed monahanBryce, fly to Detroit to see the Woodward event. You will see virtually every type of Prowler mod, most all of the colors and get a first hand look at all the folks. If you don't want one then, you don't get it. lol
Seriously, decide on the a color or two, look around and keep asking questions here. You won't be steered wrong.
I have a 99 Red with just over 3000 miles that is perfect that I will sell you for $ 34,000.
ALLEY CATCloser to you than the east coast,,,,just like new,,,fly to Phx and drive it home [2001 Prowler - 1,800 miles - $36K]:

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 07-24-2006 at 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Marty Usher:

The 2000 and newer had slightly softer suspension, chrome shifter bezel, automatic volume adjustment on the radio as speed/cabin noise changes, and in the mirror trip computer.

The above features that Marty has listed I really don't miss in my 97.
The only item I wish I had was the remote passenger side airbag cutoff switch. I have to pull my fuse vs. inserting the key and turning it off.
I never take my kids in the Prowler without turning the airbag off first.

Good luck on your purchase Bryce!!!


BryceWThanks everyone! I appreciate all the information and help.

I am checking to see how much it would cost to have the car shipped. I could always fly somewhere and drive back, but I probably would have it shipped if it was a long distance.

The one for $32,500 has an offer, so it looks like that one will sell. I still can't believe that the other is $40K. I think I will drive up tomorrow to look at it and at lease see one up close.

Now it's just a matter of convincing myself to go for it! I figure it's only money...and there are many other "boring" cars that are much more expensive.

Thanks again to everyone for the help.

Originally posted by BryceW:
I figure it's only money...and there are many other "boring" cars that are much more expensive.

That's for sure!!!

Remember...nobody knows if either you or I will be around to see another tomorrow. Enjoy today as much as possible!!!


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