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Topic:Chelsea on Saturday, June 19
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJIf there is anyone else that is interested in attending the Chelsea event on Saturday, June 19, please let me know TODAY.....I have to give DC a final count of cars.

Come on......any more Michigan or Ohio people? Gatlins, Monahans, Meancat and Kim, Jerry & Annette Nauman?????

Here's the info on the event........

This message has been edited by CJ on 06-18-2004 at 08:22 AM

Marty UsherCJ - I'm not coming if any of them show up.

Just kidding - the more the merrier! See you Saturday morning. This will be a fun & interesting event.

meancatJerry and Annette, are out planning the Michigan Fall trip this weekend. We were supposed of went with them. Our plans fell apart at the last minute. We will be hanging out here in Moddersville.
Will be seeing you in Canada and at Woodward. Let us know how it went.



ed monahanCJ, I would have loved to have been able to come up for that. Sandy had a retirement party to attend this afternoon for a friend she worked with in KY years ago. Planned a month ago. We also have a party this evening to attend that we committed to a long time ago.
I would have like to have seen the place, but we just couldn't ignore the other commitments.
WildCatHome at last.

I left Friday night and drove to Tom & Susie Mills. After driving in the rain for 1 1/2 hour on my 3 hour trip I got to Michigan. Tom helped wash it at 10:00pm. By 11:30 time to turn in so we could be ready to head out @5am.

Saturday morning was chilly but clear. What a perfect day for the event. Cool light breeze and plenty of sun.

The staff at the proving grounds were not expecting such a LARGE turn out and was doing the best they could to handle the people, to the extent of calling in the local school bus drivers to come and help transport people.

It was good to see "old" (previously met) Prowler owners and meet new ones, and to see the cool cars, BUT the highlight of the day was the drive on the test track. Bob L. got to pace us in the Kenny Bell Supercharged Hemi Rumble Bee truck, what a beautiful truck (Spectraflair B5 blue).

CJ Please thank the people that invited us for this special day.

ETMIDZTWhat a Great time! The crowds were overwhelming at this 50th annivesary Event.......But D/C did what they had to do.
The driver of one of the shuttles said D/C expected 3,000 people fo the entire day! He claimed they had 3,000 in the 1st Hr.!! They were still going in when I left at 4:15 P.M.!
The TRACK!!! YAHOO.....What a Rush!! I'm still pickin' Bugs out of my teeth......Ran 110mph up the Bank & slingshoted off at 125mph!!!! Damn That was FUN!!!
Thanks to CJ, Bob, & the D/C gang for doing this!!
Nice seeing everyone again!!

Larry Herder

Marty UsherWow -the trip around the track was worth the trip by itself. Even though they were overwhelmed by probably I'd guess 20,000 people when they were planning for 3,000, the DC staff had a nice event planned.

I believe Larry Mayes now holds the title of the Fastest Prowler with trailer with a susutained speed run of 115MPH. Bob L.was driving a Kenne Bell supercharged Ram regular cab pick up and actually (from my perspective) out ran one Viper in a side by side run from 75 to 120. To be fair to the Vipers, the one on his other side did pull away from the truck.

It was WAY COOL to be driving up on the 5th lane - the banking was so high that at 80 MPM I had to steer to the right while making a left hand sweeper. I was told the lane was a 100 MPH lane.

Big thank you to Bob & CJ for their hospitality while Iwas there and taking to a warm up cruise so I can get ready to visit again during The Dream Cruise.

ed monahanSounds like I missed a great time. Glad everyone had a blast. Thanks for stopping at Milford on the way up, Friday evening, Marty.
Marty UsherEd - I nice seeing you and the Cincy gang again. You missed a great time in Michigan. This was the first time in the 50 year history of the proving grounds that it was open to the public. We'll give you plenty of notice when they open it up again in 2054 for the 100th Anniversary!
ed monahanMy car will have almost as many miles on it as your car has now, by then. lol. I knew I was missing a good time.
DR PROWLERDon't you just hate missing an event when work gets in the way?
Glad everyone had a good time!


ed monahanwork????????
Wash your mouth out, Roman.
Is there any way to get some still pics from DC of us Running the Track??(They had camera's all over the place) I've told my kids how Great it was....Sure would like to show em Pics!
And do you have a Name & address for the Proving Grounds? I'd like to write them a Thank You letter!
CJWorking on that Larry!

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