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Topic:About to buy a 2001 Prowler
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tomlI'm about to but a Purple Prowler 2001 w/ 10,000 miles on it. Is $35,000 too much? The only thing wrong is there is a 1" patch in the top. I'd appreciate any advice.
RED5I thought there were no Purples in '01...?

Is it still under warranty?if so the top can be fixed under it.

tangled up in BLUEunless it is custom painted, a purple Prowler would have to be a 97 or a 99 model.....top is kinda expensive....$35K sounds high to me...shop around for a while....be patient...
halicat1999 was the last year they made a purple.....be carefull , for that price you should be able to pick up a very low mileage in perfect shape...

he's a few to check out....

good luck

JCProwler I got my 2001 prowler with 3,000 on it for 31,000 + 1,600 for shipping

This message has been edited by JCProwler on 09-04-2005 at 02:08 PM

BeWareOverpriced for sure
Mike DowneyI bought my 2000 for $31,500 with 6,000 miles on it and only a very minor nose rash (not noticable unless you get under it). Keep looking for a better deal and yellow cars are better.
Mr.McgooThere is a 99 purple with low milage in PA that is on ebay that a buy it now for 28900 which is gone but the bid is up to 26 with reserve met.
Lone Ranger
Originally posted by Mike Downey:
I bought my 2000 for $31,500 with 6,000 miles on it and only a very minor nose rash (not noticable unless you get under it). Keep looking for a better deal and yellow cars are better.

But Silver cars are faster. lol

ed monahanIs it Purple or Blue with a Blue top. That would explain the 2001 year.

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