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Topic:2002 SOLD on eBay for $45,100.00
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and the dealer did a VERY smart job 'promoting' it with
his ad........he did earn his $$ fee
GRROWLLooks like a second buyer was willing to pay that price as well, with a third not far behind.


LeoShould we write them and correct all the mistakes in the advertisement?


1buddycThat's about the best Ad I've ever seen for a Prowler. Almost makes me wish he had 2 to sell!!
tangled up in BLUEbeing 1 of 40 made probably did the trick
toysI was following that auction also, Glad to see the outcome


Wayne Finch
Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
being 1 of 40 made probably did the trick

someone may be looking for a rebate when they find out their car is 1 of 300, not 1 of 40.

CJSomeone should email the buyer and tell them about POA!
Originally posted by Leo:
Should we write them and correct all the mistakes in the advertisement?

Only 3,000 were produced the first year (1997)

PiddlerLooking at the bid list, looks like bidder "Nextstep" was
hard after it, then lost it by $100.
We all know
Candy Red Prowlers are worth more than the other color Prowlers.

Check Out My Scrapbook

Rpowell5931 of 40 .... I didn't know I was in such rare air
PharmKatHey now, 1 of 40 ain't nothing. There isn't another 007 black tie out there...

Here's the response I got back from the new owners. They sound pretty excited!

Hello, Thank you for your congrats... I am sure you can guess how excited we have been since our purchase. We will be going to pick it up in Florida this weekend. I have wanted a prowler for awhile now and have visited the prowleronline website. I have obsessed over this prowler since I first saw it on ebay and I will definitely checkout the website again because I am finding that much of my day is fueled by my Prowler Obsession right now. Thanks again for the info, Melinda LeBlanc

YellowFeverThis Prowler has the top of the line Chrome wheels . They had to be custom ordered (only available at the time of purchase). The standard wheels are the polished aluminum billet mags – but these are the custom stainless mags.

1 of 40 made??? LOL! LIE...

LOL! Custom wheels that could only be ordered at time of purchase? How many of us ordered those? Another LIE...

Kinda makes you wonder what else he may be fudging on.

Buyer beware......

CopKatA 2000 Yellow Kat just sold on Ebay for $33,800. It's def. nice to see the value of our Kats are going up. Keep going up. More reason to keep holding on to mine and enjoy it.
ALLEY CATLast fall,,,we had a couple show up to our local car show,,,moved here from Michigan. Seen Lethia's orange cat at the show,,,and told me how lucky we were, since there were ONLY 36 of them in that color. I laughed,, and pis$ed him off,,,him claiming for sure there are only 36 of those oranges and he HAS one! He bought it from his friend, a Mi. DC employee, he said. He has it locked into his mind,,,he has ONE of a very few. After he sees about a dozen of them here locally,,,,maybe he'll come to his senses, lol.
prowler1geeeeeeeeeeeeeee and i only got $42,500 for my CANDY RED

This message has been edited by prowler1 on 05-30-2006 at 05:46 PM

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