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Author Topic:   Are you Unemployed?

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Prowler Junkie

From:Waterford,Mi USA
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posted 07-01-2010 10:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for heynow14     send a private message to heynow14   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by heynow14
How do you feel now that the repugs filibustered extending unemployment benefits?



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From:mesa, az, USA
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posted 07-02-2010 08:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for ALLEY CAT     send a private message to ALLEY CAT   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by ALLEY CAT
Good move on their part. One year is long enough to provide unemployment benefits, in most cases. If you can't get employment within one year,,,,,go look in the mirror, you'll most likely see somebody who doesn't want to work in the first place (ala, Detroit ilk, etc.).

If your state wants to provide longer benefit times,,fine, let your state pick up the additional tab.


Prowler Junkie

From:san diego
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posted 07-02-2010 09:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for St0rmBr1nger     send a private message to St0rmBr1nger   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by St0rmBr1nger
Originally posted by heynow14:
How do you feel now that the repugs filibustered extending unemployment benefits?

They never should have extended it in the first place.

Personal responsibility is gone


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Prowler Junkie

From:Acworth , Georgia , USA
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posted 07-02-2010 09:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BeWare     send a private message to BeWare   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by BeWare
My question is. Where is the money coming from? We are so deep in debt right now its ridiculous. The current extension to November is going to increase the deficit by $33.3 billion.

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Prowler Junkie

From:Acworth , Georgia , USA
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posted 07-02-2010 02:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BeWare     send a private message to BeWare   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by BeWare

Dems refuse compromise to extend unemployment benefits
By: Susan Ferrechio
Chief Congressional Correspondent
July 2, 2010

Congress adjourns this week for the July Fourth recess without having passed a bill to extend unemployment insurance benefits to 1.3 million people who started losing them this month.

Democrats have been painting Republicans as unsympathetic to the long-term unemployed who will be unable to collect benefits, but Democratic leaders have rejected several offers by the GOP to vote for the bill if at least some of it is paid for.

"My concern is that the Democrats are more interested in having this issue to demagogue for political gamesmanship than they are in simply passing the benefits extension," said Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, who offered a deal that was rejected by Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.

Democratic leaders were quick to attack Republicans for opposing the benefits, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., calling their opposition "just cruel" and "contrary to what our country is about."

Republicans, meanwhile, stood firm in their argument that extending benefits should not add to the deficit.

Voinovich told Reid he would vote for extending benefits if at least half of the extension could be paid for with unused money from the $787 billion stimulus package.

"I came to the table with a fair compromise, and the ball is in their court," said Voinovich, whose state suffers from a 10.7 percent unemployment rate.

The House passed a sixth-month extension on Thursday, but the Senate was long gone by then, having shut down early so that the late Sen. Robert Byrd's body could lie in repose in the chamber. Any future action by the Senate will have to wait until lawmakers return on July 12.

On Wednesday, the Senate rejected a measure to extend benefits, with most Republicans and one Democrat, Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., opposed to the bill because it would add more than $33 billion to the nation's $1.3 trillion deficit. The Senate came up just one vote short of passage, with Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, Maine Republicans, voting yes.

After the bill failed, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., offered a compromise that would extend benefits for two months and pay for it fully with unused stimulus funding. But Reid turned it down.

"The only reason the unemployment extension hasn't passed is because Democrats simply refuse to pass a bill that doesn't add to the debt," McConnell said. "That's it. That's the only difference between what they've offered and what we've offered."

McConnell pointed out that earlier this month, 57 Democrats voted for an amendment offered by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., that would also have used stimulus money to pay for some of the benefits. The amendment fell three votes short of the 60 needed for passage, but Reid was among the supporters.

Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin, D-Ill., told The Washington Examiner on Thursday that unemployment benefits are considered emergency spending and do not fall under the same rules requiring them to be offset.

"We've never done it," Durbin said. "And it is counterintuitive that to stop a recession we have to take spending away from one area and put it into another. We need to put money into the economy."



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Prowler Junkie

From:Denham Springs, Louisiana , USA
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posted 07-02-2010 06:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dskatt     send a private message to dskatt   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by dskatt
I know a young woman who lost her job as a receptionist. She earned $500 per week at her job. She draws $300 per week in unemployment benefits. When you take into account travel expenses and childcare, she makes about as much now as she did at her job. She plans to milk it for as long as possible. She's not even looking.

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Prowler Junkie
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From:Rochester Hills, MI USA
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posted 07-03-2010 11:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CJ     send a private message to CJ   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by CJ
I know a young woman who lost her job as a receptionist. She earned $500 per week at her job. She draws $300 per week in unemployment benefits. When you take into account travel expenses and childcare, she makes about as much now as she did at her job. She plans to milk it for as long as possible. She's not even looking.

There is a LOT of that going on and the taxpayers who do work are paying for that. Why should they find a job when they're getting more that what they might get with a job?

Randy Cobb

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posted 07-06-2010 07:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randy Cobb     send a private message to Randy Cobb   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by Randy Cobb
I have a relative who is milking the system. Fakes jobs seeking and openly admits to taking unemployment benefits as long as they are offered and not taking a job. Been out of work for 2 years.

This message has been edited by Randy Cobb on 07-06-2010 at 07:51 AM


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Prowler Junkie

From:Acworth , Georgia , USA
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posted 07-06-2010 10:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BeWare     send a private message to BeWare   Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote   Search for more posts by BeWare
In June, the number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks and over) was unchanged at
6.8 million. These individuals made up 45.5 percent of unemployed persons

In June, about 2.6 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, an increase of 415,000
from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force,
wanted and were available for work, and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. They
were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the

Among the marginally attached, there were 1.2 million discouraged workers in June, up by 414,000
from a year earlier. (The data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently
looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. The remaining 1.4 million
persons marginally attached to the labor force had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the
survey for reasons such as school attendance or family responsibilities.

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