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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Cuts will pay for themselves (The Easter Bunny is real)
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeAfter instituting a $1.5 trillion tax cut and signing off on a $675 billion budget for the Department of Defense, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that the only way to lower the record-high federal deficit would be to cut entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

"It’s disappointing but it’s not a Republican problem," McConnell said of the deficit, which grew 17 percent to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018. McConnell explained to Bloomberg that "it’s a bipartisan problem: Unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future." The deficit has increased 77 percent since McConnell became majority leader in 2015.

New Treasury Department analysis on Monday revealed that corporate tax cuts had a significant impact on the deficit this year. Federal revenue rose by 0.04 percent in 2018, a nearly 100 percent decrease last year’s 1.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, tax receipts on corporate income fell to $205 billion from $297 billion in 2017.

Still, McConnell insisted that the change had nothing to do with a lack of revenue or increased spending and instead was due to entitlement and welfare programs. The debt, he said, was very “disturbing” and driven by “the three big entitlement programs that are very popular, Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid...There’s been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully, at some point here, we’ll get serious about this.”

President Donald Trump promised to leave Medicare untouched on the campaign trail, but Republican leaders like House Speaker Paul Ryan and Florida Senator Marco Rubio have long indicated their desire to cut entitlement programs to pay for their tax cuts.
http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/mitc h-mcconnell-calls-to-cut-social-security-medicare/ar-BBOtGyE?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=mailsignout

Just remember, voting is like driving:
D to go forward
R to go backward

This message has been edited by reechee on 10-16-2018 at 04:14 PM

StingRayI got one ... how about ceasing to fund ALL welfare for ALL illegals ... I hear that would save a boat load of money!!!
silverkatAhhhhh all this winning doesn't it feel great!!!! No amount of Dem whining will ruin it for me....
cstallI think SS is biggest Ponzi scheme in history.
You and your employer pay into it, the money isn't "invested" (AFAIK) so it doesn't earn a return, there's a huge administrative burden and it relies on new money coming in to pay off the earlier contributors. It can't last forever.
We need to tighten up on the eligibility for SS Disability. There are people with missing limbs who can work so it's just not right that OCD and bipolar disorder qualify you for Disability.
I'd be in favor of an opt-out program - just give me back the SS dollars that I & my employers have paid in and I'll go away. Pretty sure I can do a better job with it than the government.
StingRayI didn't know OCD and bipolar could get you your SS funds ... thought it was just retirement age ... agree - not right.

Also did not know gov't wasn't 'investing' the funds to help prepare for the next wave of retirees - if that is not the case and simply banking on new payees to fund old retirees - then just like gov't pensions programs that have all been raided and underfunded - imploding left and right - schools the same thing!

cstallYup - here's the list of "mental" conditions that qualify you for SS Disability:

Neurocognitive disorders
Substance addiction
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Depressive, bipolar and related disorders
Intellectual disorder
Anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders
Somatic and related disorders
Personality and impulse-control disorders
Autism spectrum disorder
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Eating disorders
Trauma- and stress-related disorders

I'm waiting for Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) to be added to the list!

Just remember, voting is like driving:
Dano to go forward
Reechee to go backward

GET OUT THERE AND VOTE !!! May the red also be from the anger in the democrat's faces!!!

This message has been edited by Dano on 10-16-2018 at 11:01 PM

ALLEY CAT"We need to tighten up on the eligibility for SS Disability."

So much fraud going on in issuing Disability payments from SS fund,,,,,it should be a crime to scam the fund

Also, too much bureaucracy in the distribution of SS funds to make it viable for younger people now,,,in the years to come. Opt-out should be a option,,,but then no going back to demand benefits if one fails to save enough for retirement. Sink or Swim

reecheeCall a woman names while Ford has to lay off 20,000 workers because of tariffs.
Boy are we winning!
StingRayOh Reeecheee ... short term pain for a long term gain ... something liberals surly don't comprehend ...
cstallHey Reech - check your facts...
It's true the tariffs cost Ford a lot in profits, but the layoffs are white collar workers around the world, not just in the US, and have nothing to do with the tariffs.

According to Ford Spokeperson Karen Hampton, “The reports you have read about our organization redesign work being related to external forces such as tariffs are incorrect. This is a global effort and not specific to the U.S. We began this effort recently as part of our CEO’s work to make us a faster, more nimble, more innovative company.”

DanoGood luck getting any response from those two. They tend to spew their load and run. Kinda reminds me of some guys I knew when I was younger...but that is another story.

This message has been edited by Dano on 10-18-2018 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by reechee:
Call a woman names while Ford has to lay off 20,000 workers because of tariffs.
Boy are we winning!

Do you mean that upstanding Stormy Daniels Reechee and her creepy porn lawyer? She does kinda have a horse face but she does have a nice pair of saddle bags....

StingRaySK, those aren't saddle bags, that is just her over inflated version of the silicon valley!
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