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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Ancestry DNA
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanThey recently caught a serial killer with his DNA.
Have any of you sent in your DNA and what did you think of the results?
Here is a real life experience.
Subject one.--------- Subject two
26% Great Britain v. 43 % Great Britain
37% Western Europe v. 27 % Western Europe
30 % Ireland/Scotland v. 23% Ireland/Scotland
2% Iberian Penn.
5% Other v. 6% other

These two are related. How close of relatives do you think they are?

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 06-10-2018 at 09:13 PM

Marty Usheridentical twins?
alprowlSame person took 2 tests!
padrooI give up?

Oh no its ed?

This message has been edited by padroo on 06-11-2018 at 08:43 AM

ed monahanMarty nailed it. Sandy and her identical twin sister. Makes you wonder about how accurate their results really are.
alprowlDid you get the one that's more British, or more Irish?
ALLEY CATSubject one. --------- Subject two
26% Great Britain v. 43 % Great Britain
37% Western Europe v. 27 % Western Europe
30% Ireland/Scotland v. 23% Ireland/Scotland
2% Iberian Penn.
5% Other v. 6% other

^ > IMO, not very reliable. They probably store and then forward everyone's DNA to Federal Personal Data banks......

Like when you provide your email address and phone # anywhere on the internet......the scam emails and soliciting phone calls start coming in.

ed monahanShe got an email today telling her that she has a twin sister.

I told Sandy to send them an email asking why there are so many discrepancies. Sandy is Subject # 1, more Irish. Junod was their maiden name.

tangled up in BLUE...DNA test a couple of years ago, show lots of European.... Ancestory.com, spent lots of time doing research, mothers ancestors, statues in England, Scottland, Mayflower descendant, Knights etc....fathers trail turned up Cherokee Indians, murderers, and cannibals....bottom line, if your neighbor wouldn't marry you, a sister or a cousin would
ed monahanCher had gypsies, tramps and thieves.
By the way, how does Debbie feel about your ancestors? lol
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Cher had gypsies, tramps and thieves.

Cher's findings,,,somewhat better than one side of Bell's claim to ancestry

tangled up in BLUE...cousin Deb ?

...actually, when I first started doing this a couple of years ago, I ran into a couple of puzzling things among her cousins and I made fun saying her family tree was a wreath, then I got into my family tree and it looks like a "donut tree".....one of my distant grandfathers married his niece, he was 80 and she was 39....so, I'm thinking she may have needed a place to stay, maybe he was in bad health and needed help, well, they had 3 kids....kinda surprised I don't have 3 eyes and a large hump on my back....mountains of Kentucky were rough a couple hundred years ago, you married the girl cousin with the smallest mustache who could pull a plow

tangled up in BLUE...one of my my 5th great grandfathers was Chief Doublehead (you can Google him)....he was mean, killed just for the fun of it and was also a cannibal....businessman, met the President of the United States, but was just mean, his own people killed him....many exciting stories in my famly tree LOL

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-11-2018 at 03:56 PM

alrtgI have not bothered with the DNA thing mostly because it won't change anything and I don't feel like sharing my personal information, being subjected to more mailing lists and junk mail, spam etc...

My parents have their family history documented back many many generations and had it long before the DNA fad came about. On Mom's side, she has a book that was professionally bound that is a good two inches thick, maybe thicker.

Sometimes I have wondered how accurate all this DNA stuff is anyway and what percentage (depending on the company) is fiction.

ed monahanThis is getting out of hand (reminds me of the old days.) lol
Originally posted by ed monahan:
This is getting out of hand (reminds me of the old days.)

In the old days, the OFF TOPIC forum was a fun place for cheerful banner..... all done in humor and nobody took things so serious as they do today.


Now-a-days it's more like:

ed monahanI take that comment personally. lol
MIKE GATLINThatz moor lyke it!!
JeraneWMaybe I should check out my wife's. She is a twin but does not look like her sister. (fraternal twin)

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