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Topic:Special thanks to the California group,,,,,,,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CATSpecial thanks to the California group who traveled to the SEMA show in Vegas and then "braved" the weather to cruise to Phoenix, to attend our weekly car show at the Scottsdale Pavilions. "Topless" Larry Lord, Malibu Vince Tuomey, Jim and Doris Angle, Jim and Judy Rogers, and Seattle/Tucson's Roger Freeman and Phil made the journey down to Arizona, driving through some very wet weather.

Thanks again for joining us: (Debbie, Michael, EK, Mark, Jan, Lethia, and I) and enjoying the day together.


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Larry LordLarry,

Thanks to you for leading us to the Pavilions Show and especially for the heads-up about the radar on highway 87.
It was nice to meet Jan, Tony, Mike, Phil and to see you, Leitha, Debbie and Roger again.

Maybe Y'all can join us for the Toys for Tots run on November 23rd. Stay at my house if you'd like. I can just throw the sheets out when you leave.

This message has been edited by Larry Lord on 11-11-2002 at 04:24 PM

Todd Camerondon't forget to spray too

2000 Black, 2001 Black Tie, 2001 Orange

Catwomanwell now.....I was going to post something real nice because I had planned to head over for the Toys for Tots deal. I'm gonna think twice about staying at your house this time Larry......

CJBob and I would have liked to join the cruise, but show obligations thwarted that plan..........glad that you all had a great time! Maybe next time.........
Larry LordDebbie,

That part about throwing out the sheets was meant for Alley Cat not you or the rest of the Arizona Gang.

Don't worry about staying at the house. I've had it fumigated twice since Alley Cat's last visit and other than a few stray hairballs, everything is pretty much back in good shape.

You and Bob missed a fun trip. Maybe we'll do it again next year and you can make it then.

It was nice meeting you and your wife. We almost missed you and I'm happy we didn't. Thanks for the CDs and your hospitality.

This message has been edited by Larry Lord on 11-11-2002 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Todd Cameron:
don't forget to spray too

Todd - just for that,,,,I'm going to take you up on your offer to stay at your place next time!!!

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