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Topic:prowler and viper for sale
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Doc-ManWell, I hate to do it but I'm in the middle of a divorce and I must sell some toys. 2000 Plymouth prowler (black) with 2500 miles. Car is in perfect condition and has never seen rain(the only marks on the entire car are a couple of small scratches under the nose from loading on a trailer to take home, you can't see them even lying on the ground but I know they are there). Car is completely stock except for front and rear flaps.Car is always garaged with cover when not being driven. Will satisfy a new car buyer. Bra and cover go with car.30,000 firm
1996 blue/white Viper GTS with 32000 miles. Beautiful car with over 5,000.00 in upgrades in the last month. Two sets of wheels and tires, new custom hood pads, new rotors and brake pads, muffler delete and smooth tubes(motor is factory stock),fan upgrade, cover, MGW accessories and more. Always garaged and covered too.40,000 firm
I'm very picky about my cars and both of these are in great shape. They both won their division at the recent Mopar Nationals in Shreveport. Neither car is my daily driver and they are very pampered.
Call for more details. If you fly in and look at these cars and they are not what I have advertised I will refund your air fare. Do not let the low prices scare you, this is what I owe on these cars and I must liquidate to settle my divorce. I can be reached at hustonkevin@hotmail.com or 319-797-7208 or 318-773-5998. Thanks for looking

This message has been edited by Doc-Man on 10-25-2002 at 09:39 AM

Marty UsherKevin - sorry to hear about you going through divorce. Been there/done that - enough said. Good luck on selling your cars, hope to see you back on the board in the near future.


Doc-ManThanks Marty
ron13149Have either of your cars sold yet? Please email me at ron13149@hotmail.com. Thanks
Doc-ManOkay, the wife(I'm being nice with that title) now says she wants the cars. She thinks they are worth more than I'm asking and that she can make some money(can we say greedy).
I don't want to get a prospective buyer in the middle of this so I'm pulling the cars from the market for a while until this is all sorted out. Thanks for all of the calls and I'll repost when all is settled. I will keep all of the numbers for those who have responded and give them first right of refusal when I get the go ahead from my attorney.
ALLEY CATKevin - isn't life great? Been through three divorces myself,,,,,always a joy to divide the assets!

If the cat comes back to the market, email me,,,I'll have a home for it, with plenty of TLC.

BTW - sorry for the bad experience. I've found it cheaper to stay single

Doc-ManThanks AC,
Just trying to not turn bitter, and taking it one day at a time. It's funny how people behave(ie badly) when money is involved. Both Bartles and James and I thank you for your support.

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