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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:would you have fired?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=90f_1422039488

You be the judge.

Me TimeI'd have blown his ass away.

Not looking to sound like John Wayne but the Leo in this case did everything he had to do and did it right. This was no bully PO.

padrooIt will be nice to hear the rest of the story.

Here are the details I found.

The pastor of the church said the police officer was right.

This message has been edited by padroo on 01-27-2015 at 11:07 PM

ALLEY CATJustified shooting, IMO.

I'm sure we'll hear he was a good boy...

Aren't they all..................

StingRayAgree with AC ... with only this added comment. Maybe the PO-PO need more time on gun ranges so that they can avoid wasting so much ammunition. The fifth shot seems to come after the dude is falling forward. IMO, they should be aiming for legs, shoulders ... ** , but then with a savvy defense lawyer, this thug is back out with his weapon and likely killing an innocent younger kid .... glass half empty/half full debate here.

padrooI don't know why he stopped and turned around, they say he picked something up from off the ground or was he going for a gun. I can't tell from the video so they will have to sort it out themselves.
Originally posted by padroo:
I don't know why he stopped and turned around, they say he picked something up from off the ground or was he going for a gun. I can't tell from the video so they will have to sort it out themselves.

Here is a quote from the pastor of the church.

In the confused minutes after the shooting, the same pastor arrives to tell McMillan's colleagues the officer had 'followed procedures and he did everything right'.

mslc10it was said he stopped to pick up the gun he dropped

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