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Topic:windshield replacement questions
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
diamondxHaving my windshield replaced - I hope. ?? I got an online quote and they were suppose to install today. Got a call telling me they don't have in stock and need to get thru Mopar. and the price has now risen - quite a bit. After a heated discussion - they agree to install for quoted price - in 10 business days. My concern is if they will overcharge for the moulding or if it should come with the glass or if it even needs to be replaced. Mopar parts man tell me the moulding and windshield are one part #.

any input ?


btw - this is an 100% out of pocket payment for me.

catfishthe mldg comes w/the mopar w/s.you cannot reuse the old mldg.sounds like you dont have full glass coverage,or any glass coverage,correct.if you want to save money,you could go with a a/m w/s.dont know if the mldg comes with the a/m w/s.glass varies in price greatly.you might want to shop around.make sure you specify a/m or mopar.if you use a a/m glass most glass cos.have a a/m mldg available if needed.the only real difference is the mopar w/s has the penstar stamped on it lower center,so you can tell its a mopar.some a.m w/s are a little thinner than a mopar.one co.i can recommend is a-pilkington-thats the manufact.name.
any glass co can get one.ck.the price and see how much of a difference.its a quality glass and should be less money.if you do cancel the mopar asap.


This message has been edited by catfish on 03-20-2009 at 06:53 PM

ALLEY CATI recently had a windshield changed out on a cat,,,,,and I watched the entire process.

I was told that the only replacement now available, was a Mopar w/s (?) > which was fine with me as insurance was paying the full tab ($480 for the glass alone).

I would suggest that you remove your windshield wiper arms, as the cowl piece will have to be removed to replace the windshield properly. ALSO,,,I'd advise removing the top portion of your dash yourself,,,to prevent damage from glass installers,,,,who may not have a clue on how to do it. Under the top of dash area is where the radio control antenna wire is located. The new windshield will have a new coiled antenna wire which will have to be 'plugged' into the receiver box, in the dash.

If you need instructions on how to 'pop off' the top portion of your dash,,,,,I can help you through it > not difficult.

cnilejrMy windshield was replaced by my insurance, state farm, at no cost to me. Who is your insurance company? Call them and ask them if they will cover it.

The glass company will probably not know how to remove the dash board. Mine had trouble. I reviewed some discussions on this site, and then told them how. I suggest you do the same to make sure they to not damage anything.



catfishmake sure when they plug the radio wire in that in snaps ,if
not the wire will work itself loose.when it snaps it locks itself in place.donot drive the car for at least for 24hrs.
thats the time it takes for the w/s adhesive to set up.if you drove it right away and got in a serious accident,the w/s may come out.


prowlrmanI agree with Catfish to not drive it for 24 hours. While many glass installers will tell you glue sets up in 1 hour, it takes 24 hours for full cure time. Many windshields in cars become part of the body structure rigidity in a crash, and consequently are under some pressure once installed. Driving it too soon (less than 24 hours) after installation may cause flexing of the glue bond resulting in improper bonding, and could possibly allow for slight wind or water leaks also. We always follow this wait time for windshields replaced at our proving ground test facility.

This message has been edited by prowlrman on 03-21-2009 at 12:25 AM

diamondxas I posted - my concern is the moulding. Should it be part of the windshield quote or should I get ready to be overcharged for it ? They have already TRIED to go back on their quote and almost double the price. as posted- there will be NO insurance company paying for this. The dash cover is out , the cowl cover is off , the wiper arms are removed.
catfishit comes w/the mopar w/shield.


SuperKatAny idea how scarce these W/S are?
Sounds like the glass and certainly the molding may be hard to find or very costly in the future.
Originally posted by SuperKat:
Any idea how scarce these W/S are?
Sounds like the glass and certainly the molding may be hard to find or very costly in the future.

I think the same thing.


I had to wait nearly two weeks before the OEM windshield (Mopar) could be delivered to my glass installer. Don't know if that is normal search time for these cars,,,,but it was with my replacement.

I'll be getting another w/shield replaced in late May,,,we'll see how long that takes to get one???

Moulding came with the new windshield........

Damn its nice looking through new glass again. Glass wasn't cracked,,,just sand blasted pits over the past years of driving.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 03-21-2009 at 10:12 AM

catfishthe reason it takes so long is that the w/s come from the supplier.bascially they have to make one.they dont stock them for some reason.


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