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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:what the heck?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
beachcat8:30 on a Sunday night and only 3 members online????
JeraneWOnly 7:35 here in South Carolina. Every one must be out shopping for a Christmas gift for me. LOL
robinOnly 7:39 here in St Thomas.
Your cut off Roger.. Go to bed.

This message has been edited by robin on 12-21-2014 at 06:43 PM

Landscape DoctorOut shopping at that time. Went to a Walmart tonight pulled in the parking lot and shocked to see every carriage was in the parking lot. Half of them were up against cars. Garbage all over the parking lot and the inside of the store was like a tornado went through it. Everyone must be saving on gas and spending it on gifts. Stores are packed.
alrtgAt 8:30 Saturday night I was busy reading the owners manual front to back for my new (to me) car so I would be more familiar with how things work.

As for the shopping centers, I do my best to avoid any and all shopping (except gas & groceries) between Thanksgiving and the first of February.....way to much drama going on then.

Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by alrtg:
At 8:30 Saturday night I was busy reading the owners manual front to back for my new (to me) car so I would be more familiar with how things work.

As for the shopping centers, I do my best to avoid any and all shopping (except gas & groceries) between Thanksgiving and the first of February.....way to much drama going on then.

Smart thinkin

CJArrived home late last night from a 2.5 week trip to CO to visit my son, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. It was a birthday/Christmas present from them. Today/tonight was spent catching up with Bob, baking Christmas cookies for my other son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons in OH for Christmas trip, and unpacking. This is the first chance I've had to even been on the computer since I left!!!

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