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Topic:tyres and gearbox
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
what sort of tyres should i be looking to get a softer ride, i will probably go without run flats, also what can be done to the gearbox to take out the kick and make it change smoother,i,m an old cruiser so performance and high speed is not my thing anymore. Thanks chris U.K

Most of your questions about tires can be answered by reading the posts in Prowler Tires & Rims Brand Options, and Costs

My experience with the transmission is that is how Prowlers shift. It is what it is. Maybe someone else here can give you different feedback.

Good luck!

beachcatEasing up on the throttle a bit when it's going to shift will smooth the transition considerably. You will get to know it.
padrooGo a little lighter on the gas pedal kind of like driving a stick, before the upshift back off on the gas a little.
It's kind of like a woman, if you get aggressive with her she will get aggressive back.

Originally posted by beachcat:
Easing up on the throttle a bit when it's going to shift will smooth the transition considerably. You will get to know it.

Sorry Roger, You posted right before I did.

Originally posted by padroo:
Sorry Roger, You posted right before I did.

No problem Dale. I was just passing on info I learned from you.

dskattWith practice the auto stick can be used to engage the gears smoothly.
Dave HaggasAll the above! CHRIS, I run Goodyear RSA tyres. I used to have Goodyear F1s but changed them as I didn't like the look of them. RSAs have been good, but I bought them whilst working in the states and bought them back with me. I've no idea if they are available here in the UK. My next tyres, which will be soon, will be Falkens. I have them on my 300c and on the wife's PT cruiser.

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