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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Michael PondWhy will the President commit 3000 U.S. troops to the ebola out break, which is not their job and none to Iraq and the fight against ISIL, which is their job?? Doesn't make any scense.. Let the U.N. get off its A$$ and fight the ebola outbreak. That is their job!! Maybe the U.N. can help Obama pull his head out of his A$$ so he can see what's going on. Maybe thats why he cant see to hit his golf balls. JMHO
attyedhalli actually agree with the presidents decision NOT to committ any combat troops to Iraq or Syria....its not our fight.....nobody wants us there...other country's should take this on (saudia arabia, turkey, jordan...etc). and we have already been there far tooo long with virtually no positive result...but lots of money spent...and lots of woulded americans that will need billions of dollars of care for the next 5 decades....

if the mid east doesnt think this is important enough to get involved......then why should we....the hawks have been trying to make the case that if we dont fight them over there....that someday we will have to fight them here..

how bout let them recruit all the fighters they can get....if they ever actually invade us or our allies...then we will know where they all are and can blow them into dust....until then..i am fine with bombing them only...

besides.....WE ARE BROKE!

This message has been edited by attyedhall on 09-21-2014 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by attyedhall:
i actually agree with the presidents decision NOT to committ any combat troops to Iraq or Syria....its not our fight.....nobody wants us there...other country's should take this on (saudia arabia, turkey, jordan...etc). and we have already been there far tooo long with virtually no positive result...but lots of money spent...and lots of woulded americans that will need billions of dollars of care for the next 5 decades....

if the mid east doesnt think this is important enough to get involved......then why should we....the hawks have been trying to make the case that if we dont fight them over there....that someday we will have to fight them here..

how bout let them recruit all the fighters they can get....if they ever actually invade us or our allies...then we will know where they all are and can blow them into dust....untill them..i am fine with bombing them only...

besides.....WE ARE BROKE!

I see your point and I agree. I'm sick of looking at wounded young people who will be affected forever. One American isn't worth a thousand people who won't even fight for their own country. But...here's the problem. If we are going to let hundreds of thousands of people who are dangerous come and go freely in and out of our country,it becomes OUR problem. SECURE THE BORDERS !!!!

padrooHas it ever really made any sense to practically strip search people getting on airplanes and not protecting the borders? It's kind of like closing a gate but no fence around the corral.
beachcatEbola knows no borders. Fighting it over there, just might prevent or lessen the very real danger to Americans at home. It might actually make financial sense.

And from what I understand, the 3000 troops would not be exposed to or in close proximity to the ebola victims..

ALLEY CAT"Fighting it over there, just might prevent or lessen the very real danger to Americans at home"

What about Canada, UK, all of Europe, the middle East, and Asian countries? Maybe the U.S. should ask 'you people' to send 3000 over to Africa, to help out........instead of possibly exposing 'our people'?

Time for the U.S. to take the back seat, and let the rest of the world take the lead... The world hates us anyway, just wants our money and supplies..


Padroo,,, I like the way you put it,,,,you might become a conservative after-all..

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
[B]"Fighting it over there, just might prevent or lessen the very real danger to Americans at home"

What about Canada, UK, all of Europe, the middle East, and Asian countries? Maybe the U.S. should ask 'you people' to send 3000 over to Africa, to help out........instead of possibly exposing 'our people'?

Time for the U.S. to take the back seat, and let the rest of the world take the lead... The world hates us anyway, just wants our money and supplies..


I wouldn't call it conservative, I like to think of it as common sense.

garysssCommon Sense!! There no place for that in the Government.LOL
Originally posted by padroo:
Has it ever really made any sense to practically strip search people getting on airplanes and not protecting the borders? It's kind of like closing a gate but no fence around the corral.

Michael PondThe U.S. already has boots on the ground in Iraq. They are called contractors. Who do you think is directing and lighting up the targets for the bombers?If ISIL shoots down one of our planes, who is going to help the pilot, ISIL? You can bet the President knows this. I have been a contract pilot for the State Dept before; Mexico, Africa, and Pakistan. Can't beat the money! If we were shot down or captured, the government would not claim to know us. I was shot at more as a civilian than in Vietnam. If you were ever on the AirAmerica pay role, you could always expect a call for help.
I know ebola knows no borders, but so does ISIL. Just think of the deaths Isil could cause by jusy infecting our water supplies!! It would make Ebola look like a common cold.
ALLEY CATHow do you defeat a 'ideology'?

How do you define 'success'? (relating to this war)

Right now,,,,,I don't think ISIS is interested, or capable, of invading New Mexico.....

RPLNo but Obama is......
Michael Pond
Originally posted by BeWare:

Everyone must fly nude, serve only pork on the flights, and use a pork scented air spray on all flight entering the U.S.
No racial profilling needed!!

Michael Pond
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
[B]How do you defeat a 'ideology'?

How do you define 'success'? (relating to this war)

Right now,,,,,I don't think ISIS is interested, or capable, of invading New Mexico.....

The Border Patrol has already caught illegals from Pakistan and other Arab countries crossing our southern border. With the money ISIS has , it should be no problem. My bet is that they are alreday here. If they are not interested why make the commit that they want to raise their flag in the White House. Maybe they want to get in a few rounds of Golf?
IN this country we defeat ideology with elections, they do it by intimidation and fear. Which has been the most effective in Iraq and Syria? jmho

ALLEY CAT"IN this country we defeat ideology with elections, they do it by intimidation and fear."

Michael,,,I'm not asking about ideology in this country,,,nor how ISIS defeats other ideologies ,,,,I'm asking how we as country defeat the ISIS ideology?

Intimidation and fear is not working against ISIS now ....on the contrary, they are trying to install fear into the minds of Joe Average Citizen who doesn't want to experience another 9-11 episode.

How will success be defined in dealing with them?

When Texas and New Mexico fly the black ISIS flag in Austin and Albuquerque....then I'll be concerned.

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