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Topic:trailer weight
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
louisourslerOur local car club has a 6x8 enclosed trailer that we keep our club supplies in and tow to our monthly cruise-in which is about 1 mile away and the entire distance is flat and smooth pavement. Currently I'm carrying the trailer over with my truck, unhook, come back home and get the Prowler and go back to the show. The loaded trailer weights 1500 to 1800lbs. Does anyone know if the factory Mopar hitch will safely carry this much weight? I don't think the tongue weight is over 100lbs. What do you think?
1buddycQuote from the Mopar Prowler Trailer Hitch installation instructions: "GROSS LOADS- 1000 lbs Max Gross Weight
100 lbs Max Gross Tongue Weight"
I personally dont think you would have a problem as long as you keep the Tongue weight under 100 lbs, but that is JMO...
BeWareAccordng to this the Prowler has a 2000 lb towing capacity However this looks to be wrong see below

http://chrysler.dealeron.com/testdrive-review.aspx?year=1997&make=Plymouth&model=Prowl er

This message has been edited by BeWare on 05-13-2006 at 06:19 PM

BeWareWell now I don't know. This says the Prowler only has 1000 lbs tow capacity. I tend to believe these as the one I posted above has many other inaccurate specs. I would not do it. Why risk it even for a mile? The trailer you describe is over half the weight of a Prowler. Stopping safely could be an issue.

http://www.newcartestdrive.com/review-final.cfm?Vehicle=2002_Chrysler_Prowler&Review ID=936

Another source that shows the tow capcity to only be 1000 pounds

And another

This message has been edited by BeWare on 05-14-2006 at 09:40 AM

ed monahanIf you only have to double back a mile I would not take the chance.
MDProwlerMy hitch has a sticker on it that states 1000 lbs max.
Where the heck did they get the fuel capacity for the Prowler?

Fuel capacity: 20.0

The original owner of my kat must have not opted for the larger tank.


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