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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MY TOYthis is a test
MY TOYok now my password is working again. It's been three weeks of driving the 99 yellow around and I love it. Seems that I should invest in a front bra but don't see many with them on. Will a black bra look ok on a yellow or should I get a yellow one. Also where is everyone meeting at for the woodward cruise. Got that day off and might drive up there.
nice caryou passed
idiveThere is a test post section.
CJAre you attending the Dream Cruise event with the Prowler owners??
Randy CobbMy Toy -

A Prowler is a blast to drive, isn't it?!

I had my black bra custom dyed and painted like many others have by Laddie's friend Kal down in LA. Do a search under Hot Bras by Kal and you can see pics of these cooool bras.
Also Speed Lingerie makes high quality bras and mirror covers that match the colors of prowlers perfectly.


GenoTexRandy Cobb ---

Post a pic of your bra please? If before, I've forgotten (O.F.D.) Thanks

P.S. That's your CAR bra please !

Randy CobbGenotex & My Toy:

Here are pixs of my bra. Sorry I didn't sent them out with my first reply, but I was busy trying to make a living!

I've gotten a ton of compliments on the bra. Kal has done some really great work on various Prowler bras.


Randy CobbMy Toy-
The speed lingerie mirror covers I described are on my Prowler pictured above. They fit great and protect the mirrors on trips. I take them off when cruising locally.
A buddy of mine called them Prowler condoms.

AC & Marty-
Yes I know the wipers are on in these pixs, but I had the Kat inspected that day and they wouldn't pass it without the wipers on.


MY TOYCJ, Yes I would like to see other prowlers so I can decide what changes I would like to do on mine. So the answer is yes with other prowler owners, but it would be saturday only. Yes I know about the test section so tell me about it at the cruise.

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