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Topic:roof shots @ Louisville
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
WildCatI ask the manager of the hotel if I could go on the roof to take some pictures, here is what I took



RED5Very very good shots!!

Can you email me the raw image of the one that has all the rows of Kats in it.

MIKE GATLINNice shots Larry, that is an interesting angle.
SimonsezI will try again.

This message has been edited by Simonsez on 07-16-2006 at 04:59 PM

SimonsezThis shot is from the 5th floor.
SuperKatExcellent view from the top. Thanks for the post Larry.
I am always amazed at how much they look like matchbox cars.
whealyGreat shots WC. BTW - nice job watering down the parking lot before the pics. That always hides the lots cracks and other issues so well.
Originally posted by whealy:
Great shots WC. BTW - nice job watering down the parking lot before the pics. That always hides the lots cracks and other issues so well.

I had a lot of help from MOTHER NATURE on watering the lot down.

Yes the cars look like matchbox cars from overhead view, especially Annies

catfishsupercat,thats what i thought.looks like abunch of toy prowlers,no offense.


SnomanLarry Nice shot of sue getting out of our car!
GenoTexRoger on the "nice shot"!
Nasty Catgreat photos, does Wildcat have a hardtop?
Originally posted by Nasty Cat:
great photos, does Wildcat have a hardtop?

Nope no hardtop for me

My car was used as a storage rack for Steves hardtop while his car was in the Mariott Parking lot Body Shop

I wanted to see what it was like to have a hardtop. I like the look. I also like the extra head room and gray headliner to lighten up the cabin. Since Steve had to remove it to replace the rear 1/4 on his car we put it on my car............good eye

Nasty CatThat looks good on your cat.

Thanks for the photo.

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