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Topic:rear brake line really close
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortI noticed on both sides of the car that the rear brake line is really close to the turning rear wheel.I put the new rims on to see if everything would fit and now it's even closer.I went from 3/4" to 1/2" clearance due to the slight difference in the rims.Also the clearance is really close on the front fender and the tire on the top underside. The front tire size is stock so I guess that's just the way it is.I don't think these cars are made to drive on a country road.
ed monahanThe front fender will bounce at the same time as the tire.
I have never had one rub.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
The front fender will bounce at the same time as the tire.
I have never had one rub.

Normally it would never bump because they work together but I was concerned about a stick,cardboard,plastic bag,leaves,etc.

I ran over a plastic bag in a new corvette, it wrapped itself around the muffler and melted! You could smell it for weeks and almost impossible to clean up the mess.

This message has been edited by Gort on 10-24-2013 at 07:15 PM

beachcatGort, we need pics!
ed monahanI hit a plastic grocery bag on the Xway and you could still smell it slightly about a year later, in the Prowler.
Originally posted by beachcat:
Gort, we need pics!

They'll be mounted tomorrow. I have to haul them in my truck to a speed shop that has a Hunter tire changer (touchless).The knockoffs have not been shipped yet(ebay). I like the looks. The rear rim is 1/2" more narrow than stock.Michelin requires 9.5 inch rim to keep the 30k mile warranty (Ferrari orginal equipment). Stay tuned.

This message has been edited by Gort on 10-24-2013 at 08:31 PM

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