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T O P I C     R E V I E W
LAwilHeading out to OrangeCounty for the big "Cruisin" for a Cure event". Kat's never played in the rain. Soft top should be O.K. right? I do not own a hard top as of yet..
Thanks for your input.
Prowl 36Bring a couple of towels, the split in the rubber in the center of the window usually drips, pretty much normal on most Kats. I used some silicone spray and it calmed it down quite a bit.
onecatnodogChap stick works... Cheap to like me... onecatnodog
392HEMII use rain-x on the window seals and down in the crease all the way around thw side windows and the edge of the front glass. Works very well.
LAwilWell it's 4:30 am and it stil raining? Debating if I should go or not. It's a good 1 1/2 hour drive. Thanks for the input guys.
Cal KidThe "Prowler" won't melt or rust, so drive it!!!!!!!!
ed monahanIt rained here in June or July. I haven't cut the grass since way before Woodward.
ALLEY CATI agree with HEMI Jim,,,,rain-x the hell out of the drip molding and top of glass edge,,,,,,,slows the leaks down to a slight dribble.
Dave Haggas
Originally posted by 392HEMI:
I use rain-x on the window seals and down in the crease all the way around thw side windows and the edge of the front glass. Works very well.

Great tip HEMI,thanks.

392HEMIThanks Dave and Larry. I am not like some of these cheap donkies with just plain tips. I send out invoices at year end and charge for all of them. LOL

This message has been edited by 392HEMI on 09-23-2007 at 07:35 AM

LAwilThanks for all the tips everybody. Cruisin for a Cure was fun and informative for this "Newbie". All the senior members were awesome and learned lots as far as various vendors, where, whats and whys relating to my Kat. I was frustrated of the limited knowledge and parts that the dealer had and/or lacked.
Jim SSenior members.......hhuummmm, I don't remember Monahan being there.

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