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Topic:possible computer repair
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
gadstermy prowler was recently sold to a couple in the Harrisburg Pennsylvania area. there was an issue with the check engine light. they took the car to a Chrysler dealer in that area. the mechanic apparently had someone in that area who could fix the problem. this also affected my oil guage. maybe someone who lives in the harrisburg area could contact the Chrysler dealer( or dealers)to secure more information. sorry that I do not have more specific info. best wishes, gadster.
ed monahanGad, sorry to read you sold your Prowler. We will miss your smiling face at the events.
Thanks very much for posting the info. Don't be a stranger.
SimonsezGad. Sorry we won't be prowlin the highways again. You were always a blast to be around. I'll always remember you as never meeting a stranger. Good luck.
gadsterthanks so much. wonderful times with so many of you.
gadsterthanks so much. truly wonderful times and memories with so many great prowler owners.
gadsterthanks so much. truly wonderful times and memories with so many great prowler owners.
SimonsezA great memory. We drove with the gadster across the country...he didn't want to be alone so he had a large stuffed bear wearing his seat belt with him.
tim laplanteGad, sorry you sold your Prowler....was great meeting you in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia a few years back. Hopefully we'll run into one another at some point........
galaxieGadster, just because you sold the Prowler, you don't have to stay away. I sold mine & they still can't get rid of me. I show up once in a while to some events.
PURRFECTWe echo the Sorry to hear you sold your toy! And dont be a stranger. Hope to see you in Mich for the amazing 20th this June!
Norm and Sue


JOYRIDEHey Gad , glad your still kicking.

Take care of yourself

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