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Topic:orange Kat found a better home....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE...Got a call early Saturday morning....a guy wanting to buy my orange Prowler...I didn't have it advertised or even for sale....I priced it, he bought it and I delivered it today(must have sold it too cheap )......as a friend of mine helped me strip all the mods off the car today, I couldn't help think of all the miles and smiles this car brought me the last two years....I bought the car from Woodhouse a little over two years ago while I was waiting on a Mulholland to arrive....I didn't really like the orange at first, but it grew on me after a short period of time....when the blue Kat arrived I parked it and kept on driving the orange Kat, the Mulholland was rarely driven and I only put 200 miles on it during the next year before selling it....the orange Kat was dependable the entire time I owned it...a couple of minor things broke but nothing ever kept it from running the roads everyday....I drove it all over the midwest, racing school at Road Atlanta, again this year to Virginia Intl. Race way....Corvette Museum in Bowling Green....it was in Detroit numerous times at CAAP, the MOPAR Nationals and other exciting places ...It was in numerous parades, gave lots of rides to kids, or anyone else that wanted to ride in a Prowler....I let nearly anyone that asked drive it...it even went to a highschool Senior Prom a few weeks ago, I gave it to a couple of teenage girls to use for prom night, they have memories for a lifetime ....took my 80 year old dad to the doctor in the orange Prowler on a regular basis, it ewas difficult for him to get in and out of, but it was his choice to travel in.....both of my kids drove it quite a bit,and it was the first Prowler my grandaughter rode in ....the car provided lots of smiles and memories for many people, especially me.....the car was rarely garaged the last 18 months or so....the garage was full of other favorites, cars to be polished but never driven....the Kat was dirty, muddy, snow, salt and sand covered the last two winters....was driven thru rain, snow anything mother nature threw our way....during all this, it never failed to show me a great time.....It got compliments on a regular basis, even with the tired paint it was still a pretty car....the Kat was scheduled to get custom painted in a couple of weeks, had a hardtop ordered, new louvered panels for the sides...it would emerge as a new car by the end of June....now it has a new owner, maybe he will let her use a garage once in a while....maybe a regular bath....it was definately more fun to drive than just look at.................so long old buddy and thanx for the memories...................

c.mangengGreat story. You have a good heart and trust people more than I think I could. Can't see myself turning over the keys to my katt to my son (17) at this time, let alone a stranger. Hope you kitty is happy at its new home.
KrautBlue, you said it very well, and apparently really did enjoy the car. I also am afraid to let others drive the car for fear of damage. I can't afford another.
Laddie RousselLarry.

Enjoyed the story and thanks for sharing your memories and enjoyment of cruisin in the Kat... I especially like the stories of your Dad and grandaugther.


tangled up in BLUEsorry guys....lots of mail about various parts for sale....I am keeping all the mods off the orange Kat in case there is a replacement.......thanx for inquiring....larry

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