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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:need help
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
catfishabout a month or more ago,somebody did a post on str.one of the frt fdrs,by pulling the fdr forward using a come along and straps,also pictures of how they did it.i cant find the post,cause i dont know who posted it,and the postings only go back 3 pages.anyway if you know where it was posted and by who,let me know asap.cause i need to look at photos to str mine.thanks


enzvoyI beleive it was done by John(onecatnodog)
stevedymoHere you go Jan
CJcatfish....a friendly FYI. When you are on the first page of any of the discussion forums, look up in the right hand corner. It shows a box that says "Show topics.." click on the arrow and pull down the window. You can go back a year or all the topics for that forum. On the General Discussion forum, there are 675 pages to go through!!

Easier way, though, is to do a search using keywords, like in your case, front fenders, etc.

Originally posted by CJ:
catfish....a friendly FYI. When you are on the first page of any of the discussion forums, look up in the right hand corner. It shows a box that says "Show topics.." click on the arrow and pull down the window. You can go back a year or all the topics for that forum. On the General Discussion forum, there are 675 pages to go through!!

Easier way, though, is to do a search using keywords, like in your case, front fenders, etc.

doesn't seem to work very well for us that are computer illiterate, not in chronological order, page after page of anything that even remotely mentions your search, I gave up on searches along time ago
onecatnodogYep that was I, onecatnodog and his farmer fender fix... I repaired Matt's Super Nice Blue Prowler to make it back to the car that it once was.. I put him to work as I have straightened a few like this.. I will do what ever it takes to get the Prowler's to come to Mile Hi Prowler Events. I'm hoping that he will show to the Prowlers and Planes but I haven't seen or heard for him sincethe repairs... I still send the E mails and call as that is what I do.. But that doesn't matter as his car looks much better and is drivable now should he want to join us at any time... John(onecatnodog)Collins
catfishi,m computer illerate,and have crs,couldnt remember name of post.thanks guys


ed monahanYou don't need to know the name of the thread. Just one word will get you a lot of hits. If you know more info, that will cut down on the choices. I am not too swift on computers, either, but doing a search is pretty simple with a few practice runs. You don't need the person's name that posted it. If you think it was within the past 60 days, choose that option to cut down on the responses.

Maybe I missed a post somewhere...did you have a fender bender with your car??

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