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Topic:madmax_attack / Trailer Hitch
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
adacusOkay, so I took to time to write the party on ebay.

Here is what I wrote to him :

"Dear madmax_attack,
My brother, just to start off, I have no interest in purchasing your item.

You have really upset alot of parties on the POA site.

Man, you have stirred up a hornets nest over there.

If you have any interest is saving any face you have left there, I can offer you a suggestion.

Before your ebay auctions ends ( before, not after ), offer to send 10 to 15 % of the sale price to support the POA web site AND 10 TO 15% to a charirty organization that THEY suggest. After you make the donation, post a photo of the receipt.

At the current bid price you have now $ 800.00 - (120 + 120) = 560.00$ 560.00 - 200.00(your original price) = $ 360.00 ( your still up over $ 300.00) and your auction is still not over.

I promise if you do this, you will come out ahead. If you don't, man, I tell you these guys have memories like an elephant. They do not forget Prowler User Names AND eBay User Names.

In closing, these guys know alot of people.

Use your best judgment.I have nothing to gain here. "

His Reply back to me :

Dear Alton,

sure...ty for the welcome mat.... NOT!-


My 2 cents :
If you bid, RETRACT

This message has been edited by adacus on 03-06-2013 at 11:05 PM

garysssHis Prowler and trailer are on ebay also, he doesn't care what we think he's not coming back anyway.
beachcatGary, I think he might have just snagged that car and trailer pic to use in his ad. Different user ID and location.
ZapcopdI haven't been following the whole trailer hitch saga. Can someone explain briefly what the problem is with this guy on eBay. Is it just that he is asking a lot for his hitch?
beachcatHe's integrity challenged. Money is more important to him than dealing fairly with people. Beware!!

But you have to read the trailer hitch thread. It's easier than trying to explain it.

jimsuttonGone Far enough ... Forgetaboutit
NiteProwl64I was watching the trailer hitch saga on eBay as well. I have been looking for a Prowler trailer hitch for my Kat. I found one at http://www.theprowlerstore.com/Products_Page_Accessories_Trailer_Hitch.htm
$489 plus the shipping is a little pricy, but a lot better than $700 or whatever on eBay.
I ordered it and just received it. I compared it to a buddy of mine who had an original one. Wow it is identical. The only difference is the powder coating is glossy black not flat black like the original. Plan on having it mounted by my friend who owns a car garage. Thought I would share.
ed monahanHitches will be available within the next week or so, cheaper than that. I don't KNOW the price yet, but it will be cheaper than that, for sure.

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