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Topic:lucky us!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
fibertopThe human population will hit a whopping 7 billion in 2011 - assuming we don't blow up the planet first.

Less than 12,000 of them have a prowler.

idiveWhat day in 2011? I want to throw a party for all those Prowler owners.
Originally posted by fibertop:
The human population will hit a whopping 7 billion...

That's probably about a billion too many.
So, if you got to decide who to get rid of, who would it be?
Corvette owners?

Originally posted by cstall:
That's probably about a billion too many.
So, if you got to decide who to get rid of, who would it be?
Corvette owners?

I'm sure AC has an answer.

HawaiianJust make sure Obama, Pelosi, Reid ,Oprah, Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel ,Kim Jong Il. Bill Ayers, David Duke, Muslim Extremist and the Kardashians are on the list. If not, just the first five would be enough.
lionbergerYou forgot Snookie.
Originally posted by lionberger:
You forgot Snookie.

oh yeah and all the "Real House wives" of... Atlanta, Beverly Hills, Dallas, New York and Orange county.

This message has been edited by Hawaiian on 03-10-2011 at 04:58 PM

ALLEY CATIf your area needs more population,,,Arizona has 1/2 million extra illegal aliens to give you.

Just got back from the border fence last nite, and seen another 3K sneek across. They breed fast.........

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