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Topic:lower hose.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
catfishdoes anybody have a used lower hose rad that is,or even one that is no good.i need one so i can make a hose.will pay your shipping.or if youre not going to be driving for awhile,one from youre car.


Laddie RousselCatfish. I have the original lower hose which was replaced with my Paxton setup.
Laddie RousselJan, shipped hose USPS this afternoon from Hester, LA
catfishthanks laddie,im on it like a cat on a vette.


idiveIt might be wise to lay it down and trace it out on paper (draw it up somehow) for future reference.
HowardSend the hose to Jay Leno. He can probably get it made. Remember that machine he used to make old parts. He must know someone who can make a hose.
Laddie Roussel
Originally posted by idive:
It might be wise to lay it down and trace it out on paper (draw it up somehow) for future reference.

Mickey, I should have taken picture before shipping. You can't lay it down to trace. I think it has multiple turns and one makes a 90 degree straight up from the table (horizontal to vertical). It's a complicated piece of hose. However, it can be duplicated. It's just a matter of finding someone who will take on the task...

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