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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:lame stream press
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Michael PondIn Philly, a doctor is being brought to trail for murdering 7 innocent children and a mother, and he didn't use an assault rifle. The national press is very quiet on this one!! FOX reported this one.
bjprowlerVery lttle coverage was given to the recent stabbing attack on 14 students at Lone Star Community College in Texas.....

Is it time for a national ban on knives?


idiveBoth the above were committed by allegedly sane upstanding individuals, combined with their weapon of choice, so its not surprising you don't hear much about them. There's nothing about them that would be found in a background check on them to prevent them from owning a gun. And since using a knife instead of a gun doesn't fall in line with their objectives...
I heard nothing about the Dr.
Michael Pond
I heard nothing about the Dr.[/B][/QUOTE]

Exactly!! Fox news reported it, nothing out of the lame stream media. They told FOX news that they didn't cover it because it was just local news...? Well,So was Sandy Hook!! In other words, this would not help the liberal agenda..

Originally posted by Michael Pond:

I heard nothing about the Dr.

Exactly!! Fox news reported it, nothing out of the lame stream media. They told FOX news that they didn't cover it because it was just local news...? Well,So was Sandy Hook!! In other words, this would not help the liberal agenda..[/B][/QUOTE]

You hit the nail squarely on the head.

reecheeCNN has stories about this case dating back to January of 2011.

As does ABC News...

NBC, it appears, was late to the game...

CBS links to when the story broke in 2010...

NPR's Weekend Edition featured it in March of 2011...

And All Things Considered looked at it in March of 2010...


Piggybacking on Irin Carmon’s excellent piece dismantling the myth that the media has intentionally ignored the case of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortion doctor now on trail for allegedly committing horrific crimes against his patients, it’s worth noting that some conservatives attacking the media now didn’t seem particularly interested in the case until a few days ago.

As Dave Weigel points out in his response to Carmon, one reason Gosnell didn’t get more attention was because the judge issued a gag order preventing lawyers from speaking publicly about it, but another may be that pro-life politicians never nationalized Gosnell’s crimes and made them into an issue that would attract more discussion.

A search of the Congressional Record for the 112th Congress (2011-2012) turns up zero mentions for Gosnell, while a search of the current 113th Congress finds three — all from yesterday.

“I’m here today to talk about an uncomfortable subject which no one seems to want to talk about,” Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Scott Perry said on the floor yesterday. “The media doesn’t want to talk about it — not NBC, CBS, ABC, CNBC, not Fox, and not the leaders of our Nation, not the President.”

But where was Perry until Thursday? Or, for that matter, where were the other two lawmakers who spoke out yesterday, Texas Republican Roger Williams and New Jersey’s Chris Smith? Where was Rep. Trent Franks, perhaps the most outspoken Republican on abortion, or Virginia Foxx or even Louie Gohmert, who never misses an opportunity to speak on hot botton social issues?

What about the conservative media? A search of TVEyes finds that Fox News mentioned the case just a handful of times. Special Report With Bret Baier included brief updates on the trail in its roundup of the day’s news on several nights over the past month, while Mike Huckabee aired a taped segment followed by a panel discussion on his weekend show late last month, but it’s hardly been leading news. The “Obama phone” got far more coverage.

A search of the National Review’s website shows it’s written little on Gosnell, while the Weekly Standard has done three pieces (the magazine has run six stories on Justin Bieber). To its credit, Breitbart.com, which decried “a full-blown, coordinated blackout throughout the entire national media” has written plenty about Gosnell. But Twitchy, the Michelle Malkin-backed conservative Twitter-activism site that has been haranguing the media for not covering the case, didn’t offer its first real mention until March 19.

And I couldn’t find anything from Fox contributor Kirsten Powers on Gosnell from before this week. She kicked off this whole conversation with a USA Today Op-Ed.

Regardless of whether the Gosnell case should be getting more attention, it’s difficult to take complaints seriously from people who haven’t used their own public platforms to push a story they think others are now ignoring.

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