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Topic:kat for advertising
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
junior420what is it with business owners and using kats for advertising. Here in New Jersey ive seen about 12 prowlers in the past 5 months infront of businesses with the name across the sides. i guess its good for the owners i dont know. I asked about 3 of them and they told me oh the car isnt my type but people seem to look at it a lot or i dislike the car i rather a vette or viper but it attracts a lot of attention so its good for business. i like the idea but i dont. sort of like these little girls who buy tiny puppies just to carry them around in their purses.

This message has been edited by junior420 on 08-22-2006 at 10:10 AM

I imagine they get a kickback from the advertiser. Who knows...maybe even gas money!

Never on my kat!!! I don't spend that much time detailing my ride to paste any advertisement whatsoever. Even if it is magnetic and can be peeled off at the end of the day.

Originally posted by junior420:
sort of like these little girls who buy tiny puppies just to carry them around in their purses.

Yeah...she dumped the little teacup whatever it was. Some kind of Chihuahua I think.

Did you hear her new "Babyluv2" recently took a chunk out of her!!!

This message has been edited by TooHipCat on 08-22-2006 at 11:42 AM

junior420 haha when i said little girls i was thinking about paris yea she dumped her teacup chihuaha and moved on to the monkeys or whatever. but the fact that they bit her i did not know
BeWareParis Hilton's only claim to fame is that she was born rich, spoiled and is pretty much a slut.
Originally posted by TooHipCat:

Even if it is magnetic and can be peeled off at the end of the day.

Where would a magnet sign stick to a Prowler?

Originally posted by BeWare:
Paris Hilton's only claim to fame is that she was born rich, spoiled and is pretty much a slut.

pretty much? LOL!

You obviously haven't seen the TWO video's that more or less put that "pretty much" notion to bed (literally)........

If I were the parents of her or that other no-name-no talent kid on that show with her, I'd cut them off so fast from any inheritance.........

BradleyGGary, You would have to use aluminum magnets.
Originally posted by MDProwler:
Where would a magnet sign stick to a Prowler?

I'm just making a point Gary...don't get technical on me now!!!

Originally posted by junior420:
haha when i said little girls i was thinking about paris yea she dumped her teacup chihuaha and moved on to the monkeys or whatever. but the fact that they bit her i did not know

Here's a link to the story:

Paris getting bit!

392HEMISaw a Mulholland just plastered with Real Estate logo's on the side panels, hood, doors, and a giant one on the trunk, in Ft.Lauderdale. Looked like vinyl graphics, but it was enough to make you puke!!!!

This message has been edited by 392HEMI on 08-25-2006 at 03:49 AM

Ed W.
Originally posted by BeWare:
Paris Hilton's only claim to fame is that she was born rich, spoiled and is pretty much a slut.

Rich. You're a lot kinder than I could be.

tangled up in BLUEI use 'static cling' signs for parades, but take them off after the event...

whealyThey make reusable vinyl as well. Of course the longer you keep it on the more likely you will get paint fading around it. At least that was always my concern.

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