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Topic:home made Prowler!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cmblockhusSo anyway I meet this guy Ian from Scottland the other day on e-bay sell him some parts and he send me a few picture of the car he is building out of scratch, all the body parts are home made from fiberglass he even made the plugs from a real prowler, check out the frame and front end. In the past he has built several cars and sent me a few pictures of them.

thought it very interesting, by the way shipping 32 lbs to Scottland is like $600.00.

the car in the back ground is one he built


ed monahanWOW. I don't what it takes to do something like that. A lot of talent and a lot of work, are the first two things that come to mind. It will cost him a Million if he is buying Prowler parts and paying that kind of shipping. I hope he sends pics when it is completed. Unbelievable.
Gary CWish I had the patience for a deal like this, did he say what powerplant he was using????????
ALLEY CATWow! First, that is an amazing project, wonder where he came up with the body design? Second, how does he find anything on that cluttered work table?

Hope he sends you completed pics when done.

cmblockhusI plan on finding out more info on the car and stay in touch with him.

seems that money is not a problem dont know what he does for a living, but maybe to have that kind of talant it dont cost a lot of money, think about it most of us have built hot rods over the years, to build a car today is 60K plus.

he also told me there was a real ratty 99 over there converted to us dollars selling for 58,000.00.

if you know any business person flying to the UK I will give them $300.00 to take this as luggage. (the part I sold him)


onaprwlNot sure if I am seeing correct but that looks like a V8 in there to me.


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