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T O P I C     R E V I E W
kb7objI finally had my 99 prowler transported from my aunts house in Valley stream NY to Glendale AZ this week. car arrived safely from reliable transport.
ALLEY CATWELCOME to the Arizona!

Contact Curt Stall, in Chandler, and get on the Az Prowler owners email list of activities. cstall@cox.net

I'll assume you are adjusting to the dry heat?

AC/heating guy,,, good deal. Some of us locals may need your services in the future


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage.... along with '06 SRT10 Viper Coupe

kb7objthanks Alley cat , I just sent an e-mail to curt stall. I have been in az now for 30 years. I'm so excited. I just got my car yesterday..... I had to sell 87 buick gran national so i could make room for the prowler.
ALLEY CAT"I finally had my 99 prowler transported from my aunts house in Valley Stream NY to Glendale AZ this week

Sorry,,,,,,thought you came to Az from NY,,and just got your Prowler to follow you.

Guess you are already adjusted here,,lol.

BeWareCongrats on the new Prowler.
ed monahanCongratulations and welcome to POA.
garysssWelcome and enjoy!!!
enzvoyGlad you finally got the car , enjoy the ride
you won't stop smiling
Mr.McgooGlad to hear the car arrived, Paulie kept that car really nice had to be one of the nicest black prowlers around. I am sure he is looking down and Happy that it stayed in the Family and it will be taken care of. Looking forward to meeting you in the future.


padrooIt will be a day you will never forget! I got mine at Christmas and had trouble sleeping, just like a kid.
padrooI have a Buick Grand National story to tell.

I knew people were buying up the Grand Nationals and I had just gotten remarried. We were on one of our first vacations down South and we were looking for a place to stay for the night.

We were in Kentucky or Tennessee or wherever and I spotted a Grand National and I said to my wife, "Look there is a Buick Grand National, they didn't make very many of those". Within a minute she pointed out another one then another one. She said,"I thought they didn't make many of them". Then we pulled into a motel parking lot and the whole thing was filled with them. She still laughs about it to this day. If we see one on the road she points it out and says, "Look, there is a Buick Grand National, they didn't make very many of them".

And then there is the famous quote!

If a man were alone in a forest and he spoke, would he still be wrong?

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