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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GenoTexHAIL last night

Golfball size...

Major damage to mustang ...

all others okay

Marty UsherOuch - I was trying to chase the hail last week - I need a new paint job. Just kidding.

Sorry to hear about the damage Geno. That's a tough way to find out how good the service is from your insurance carrier. Good luck getting the repairs done.

01ProwlerSorry to hear that Geno. Post a couple pics if you get a chance.

If you had that much hail, there will be plenty of hail guys there to fix things in no time. If you do PDR, you will probably be able to put a little jingle in your pocket, and get your car fixed without repainting.

GenoTexWe were actually down in Madison, watching Phil and his band play.... an hour away... the cars left at home had no damage, so dont expect a big 'turnout' in this area for claims.... StateFarm.. shouldn't be a problem... just an inconvenience..
ALLEY CATGeno - the last thing I ever want to hear or see. I can't feel your pain,,,and glad of it. Sorry buddy!
BeWareI am extremely sorry to hear of the hail damage to your Mustang. This is one of my biggest fears here in Georgia since we have three fairly new cars and only a two car garage. In April of 99 we had purchased a new Cadillac. The car was not even a week old when it hailed while it was parked at the office. The only part of the car that did not get damage was the rear door on the drivers side. It had hailed so hard that in many places hail hit the same spots twice making the dents double deep. They had to completely replace the hood, roof and trunk.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 04-14-2006 at 07:28 PM

halicatoh....geno .....

sux big time... i know how much you luv the stang....

Last year we had a hail warning so I parked the Kat under the tree put some blankets over it then put on the car cover....
it didn't hail, but I was ready...

Originally posted by GenoTex:
We were actually down in Madison, watching Phil and his band play.... an hour away... the cars left at home had no damage, so dont expect a big 'turnout' in this area for claims.... StateFarm.. shouldn't be a problem... just an inconvenience..


State Farm is the best company to work with on hail damage... They are actually one of the few companies that write estimates based on conventional repairs vs. PDR. When I was in the PDR business we LOVED getting state farm customers, because we made tons of $$$$. If you do decide to go PDR tell the place you take it to for repairs that you are paying out of pocket, that way it will be a lower estimate.


This message has been edited by 01Prowler on 04-14-2006 at 12:15 PM

GenoTexthe local Ford shop will be doing the work ... I hope ...

thanks to all for the sentiments.... you're right.. I really like this 'stang, but ultimately...'just a car'

Gotta keep it in perspective...

The "UP" side if there is one, is we are now possibly thinking of a trade.... (no Dusti, not the 'stang)... a 300C may be in the near future for us

PaulGene, I, too panicked because that same storm caught 3 of my cars on the driveway. Not the Prowler, though.

By the time it got to us, it just came down as pea-sized hail. In Fox Point, about 14 miles to my southeast, they had golf ball size hail. We're lucky to have missed the brunt of that storm.

Originally posted by GenoTex:
HAIL last night

Golfball size...

Major damage to mustang ...

all others okay


I just NOW saw your post Geno .........I'm sorry about that,
and hope you can get it fixed properly......DAMN


MDProwlerThat storm came thru here about 11:30 last night. Had about a minute of pea sized hail. It was moving very quickly thru here.

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