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Topic:great jhooks
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
24greg24Thank-You!! agstoner...the "jhooks" work great!!Thanks for saving me the dough!! I spent the savings on getting my wife's PT detailed! Great Guy!Look him up!If you need the jhook "hook-Up" agstoner@comcast.net
Fat PatEveryone told me that my stock J hooks would break...sooo I bought some of those stainless ones....appears I should have saved my dough...no problems with the stock ones!!
agstonerFAT PAT- If you think you made a mistake, please return the parts to me and I will refund your money. My address is:

Art Stoner
6531 Glenshaw Dr.
Glen Allen, VA 23059

I don't believe anyone claimed they all break. But, it is established that some break and when they do, you have a problem. I offer one solution.

chasmccartHey Pat, I will buy them if you don't want them. I was going to buy a set anyway from Art.

I test drove a 2001 Mulholland at a dealer in April. It had 8K miles on it. It also had a broken hook on the drivers side. I had to hold the top down with my left hand and drive with my right hand. I didn't buy the car. To many things wrong with it.


toysFat Pat
I think Art is being more than fair if your not happy send them back.

I can Honestly tell you mine haven't broke yet either.

but I can also tell you that one my friends latch j-bolt broke on his 2001 Prowler and the dealer only sells the complete Latch kit OEM #4897884AA for a mere $275.00 and that sucks when you only need the j-bolt.

I've ordered two sets in the past from Art one set for my friend who broke his, and one set for stash for myself.

Hell Pat tonight i spent more than the cost of the j-hooks buying just one round of cocktails at dinner and i have already pi$$ed that out with nothing to show for it.

But the the j-hooks are still in my glove box if i ever Need-em. LOL

You can not buy just the j-bolt by itself.

I'm Happy with what i got at the price and glad that Art does Makes them, i think he is the only one that does make them.

Art thanks for a quality product.


PharmKatI agree. When I got my Kat back from a friend with the hook broken (excuse me, ex-friend), Art came to the rescue with a quality part at almost $200 in savings. Trust me they are worth having for $50 so you don't have to have any Kat downtime if the time comes that they break.
DUSTIGotta agree with all above mentioned !

The quality is GREAT and also MUCH BETTER than having to buy the WHOLE assembly !

2 ...for Art


This message has been edited by Dustis on 11-05-2005 at 08:01 AM

Originally posted by toys:
Fat Pat
I think Art is being more than fair if your not happy send them back.

I can Honestly tell you mine haven't broke yet either.

but I can also tell you that one my friends latch j-bolt broke on his 2001 Prowler and the dealer only sells the complete Latch kit OEM #4897884AA for a mere $275.00 and that sucks when you only need the j-bolt.

I've ordered two sets in the past from Art one set for my friend who broke his, and one set for stash for myself.

Hell Pat tonight i spent more than the cost of the j-hooks buying just one round of cocktails at dinner and i have already pi$$ed that out with nothing to show for it.

But the the j-hooks are still in my glove box if i ever Need-em. LOL

You can not buy just the j-bolt by itself.

I'm Happy with what i got at the price and glad that Art does Makes them, i think he is the only one that does make them.

Art thanks for a quality product.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>..

I Just wanted to add that the MERE $275.00 is for one per side OUCH!!


Fat PatI didn't mean to insinuate that the stainless J hooks were not worth the money....I was only stating that someone on here said the "stock ones will eventually break" maybe so, but mine haven't broken yet!! Not interested in getting my money back (I used to own an auto parts store) I know what kind of pain in the wazoo that is...so I am keeping them.
toys fat pat i'm not quit sure what you meant but i heard what you said.


This message has been edited by toys on 11-06-2005 at 05:58 AM

Fat PatYou should read the post over and over if that is the case...you are reading something that isn't there.

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