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Topic:did you ever own a car that seemed "unlucky"
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE

this car was a true "Christine" if there ever was one....
....the beginning
....the '73 CUDA was delivered with damage by the transporter....they had dropped a chain on the roof while it was still on the trailer.....did some minor paint damage.....
...the car wouldn't start once it was in the dealer prep shop, they worked on the carb and it seemed okay....
....my wife is hit in the rear with only 79 miles on the car, it suffered a tremendous hit but was still driveable...
...car was repaired and driven to Texas...I found a full set of socket wrenches under the hood the dealership left there while repairing the new car a second time...
....less than 3 weeks old it is already not starting again, take it in to a new dealership in San Antonio...I was their first ever customer, first day open...they replaced the carb....
.... a few days later the car gets hit in a parking lot on base....rear quarter this time is all thats damaged....while getting repaired again, it wouldn't start....seeing a pattern here.....
.....back to the dealer .....they replaced the ignition system and rebuilt the carb that was only a few weeks old....it ran fine they said..
....to greatly shorten the story at this point it finally had 3 carbs replaced(and several carb rebuilds) and 4 electronic ignition systems before they gave up....it would just die while driving it down the street and not restart for 30 minutes.....that part of the car we lived with for 2 years....
....arriving back in Indiana for the great ice storm...the car was crushed under my neighbors tree....the tree split from the heavy ice and crushed the roof to the seats...I was able to wiggle into the car and drive it out of the mess and down a snowy, icy slope to the street....I was younger, stronger and full of adrenaline....I "pushed" the roof back into place with my bare hands by sitting in all four seat positions and pushing up with my forearms.....the car looked nearly as good as before....the roof did have ripples in it that would later be fixed.....
....the repair shop changed the color for me and applied the worst paint job I had ever seen........

at this point, I had a car with very low miles that had been wrecked twice and crushed once, looked like crap and still didn't run worth a $hit....

PHASE II....I sold the CUDA and bought a red '61 Vette with no engine...figured it would be as dependable as the CUDA ...the new paint was door dinged the day I sold the car, almost broke the deal

the guy I sold the CUDA to had it sitting in front of his mothers house showing it off the first night he owned it when a drunk driver sideswiped the car on the drivers side(heavy damage again)....the car was still driveable and the next night the car was spun in a circle thru a barbed wire fence and small trees(alcohol involved) and sustained heavy rear damage again.....so the new owner had the car 3 days and it was back to the body shop.....
...the car is repaired and back on the street, the new owners X-wife sees him driving this CUDA and became enraged(something about not paying child support) and she rams the CUDA head on at the local Hardees rest with her pickup truck...damage not severe, just cosmetic this time....
....during all this time the car is still dieing and not restarting, just like new
....several days later the CUDA is parked at a party and someone takes a ball bat to the car and busts out every window and beats most of the body to death......never found out what happened here....
....about a month later the car has been thru the body shop again and is looking like new(still didn't run right).....and the new owner and his buddy were being chased by the police in Muncie In. and put the car in water so deep they had to swim out....
...the car was brought back to the body shop for new carpets and seats....I never smelled anything like that before or since....there had been a rainstorm that day and the car had been submerged in raw sewage.....it stunk like $hit and had stuff in the car up to the dash that we were not sure if it was mud or sewage.....car was cleaned, repaired and resold to a young kid....last time I saw the car it was again in primer, but he said the car ran perfect....it still had only 20K miles on it.....but was rusted all the way up to the side marker lights.....never saw it again after that.... it probably rusted away at a stoplight.....
I always figured the car would have killed someone if it had ever run the way it should....

tangled up in BLUEthis should have been posted in "WAY OFF TOPIC".....sorry, if anyone knows how to move it, please do so....

What a Great story! I'm still wiping away tears of laughter.

Perhaps this thread could initiate "Prowlitzer Award" competition?

So far your only competion is Ed's compelling docu-drama piece on the "Heritage of the Poulan WeedEater"??


This message has been edited by Chromer on 11-16-2003 at 10:23 AM

TFischerTangled: Had a very similar thing happen with my 70 Satellite. Had the car less than a week (it was a present from my mom for my 16th birthday) and my mom was driving it. Sitting at an intersection at a light a car coming in cross traffic swerved for no apparent reason and took off the from bumper and grill. Two days later she was sitting at another intersection and was rear-ended. Got the car repaired and it was sitting outside of our house and drunk driver side swiped it. Our neighbor backed into it twice, it was sitting in a parking lot at the mall and the street sweeper for the mall "didn't see it" and smacked into it. Every time everyone said they couldn't see it. I had a ton of problems with the carb also and finally got it running at about 27,000 miles. The engine had to be torn down though because the last mechanic to work on the carb dropped a socket into the carb and then started the engine with the socket still in there. I had it in for new tires at a local tire shop and the owner came around the corner of the building and "didn't see it" and broadsided it then the next morning as it sat nosed into a retaining wall an Asplundt tree truck that was sitting on the hill above it broke loose when it's brakes gave out with no one around and came down the hill off of the retaining wall and smashed it to the ground. Insurance offered to repair it, but my mom said enough was enough and there was no way I would ever get back into that car. Don't know what happened to it from there. I guess with the butter cream yellow color no one could see it very well. Very funny that our stories are so similar. Loved that car, but could never keep it running or on the road without it getting hit. I think I had it a total of about 4 weeks the entire time I owned it without it having damage or not running. Tami
tangled up in BLUETFisher....think your car was reincarnated as a '73 CUDA ??? ....amazing how similar the stories are....
TFischerTangled: I know, scary isn't it. We actually bought the car in 76 with 1,000 miles on it from a lady who had had it stored since 1970. Her son had bought it and was killed in Viet Nam shortly afterward. It was in storage all of that time and she finally could part with it. Her son had been a friend of my brother's and when he found out about the car being for sale he called to see if my mom wanted to buy it for me to help his friend's mother out. When the movie Christine came out we all laughed about the fact that it could have been my car - funny that it was also a Mopar. LOL Tami
KariedanI bet those stories weren't funny at the time. But now these are great stories.
On the first day our daughter drove her new neon to school, it made a right turn for no reason (according to her) it crashed into a city park fence. No one was hurt, but we told her the cars name was Cristene and she could no longer drive a car that would make right turns for no reason. The car got totaled a short time later.
But your stories take the cake. These are the best I've heard.

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