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Topic:chrome vs polished
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
wonderwebbMy wheels at some point will need ethier re chroming or replacing I've been looking at some of the custom wheels and really liking some of them. I don't know if any chrome wheel will last that long in the UK so was thinking about polished aluminium but don't know any of the pros or cons . there must be a reason why most alloy wheels are painted silver and not polished.
If I bought a set of polished alloys would the upkeep be hard.
Or is chrome the best option .
I do really like chrome wheels but just don't know how long I should expect them to last without peeling.
I also like alot of polished alloys but know nothing about them other than there will be no peeling issues.

Any insights would be welcome.

GortAlloy rims are polished and sprayed with a protective coating.If not, you would be buffing and polishing all the time. Chrome usually last a very long time. Prowlers have a big problem with the inside chrome peeling off, that's not normal.I've polished and buffed my front two rims (inside), I'm dreading the larger rear rims but I guess I'll have to do it.It takes a while to get it where you'll be satisfied with the results.

This message has been edited by Gort on 09-01-2013 at 08:03 AM

PiddlerHave them chrome, or by new ones, polished is not the way to go, to much upkeep.
StingRayI disaree with both of the above responses. These are factory painted wheels I purchased as "spares" in 1998, had them stripped and polished by a motorcycle shop that specialized in metal polishing. I have never, NEVER polished them myself, or done anything but wash and dry the car since then and they look like this ...

Center caps are from the chrome wheels, which became option/standard later in '99.

Inside barrels were also polished smooth from the raised ridges that were originally there.

To each their own, but I was and am still pleased with this look.

catfishchrome,outshines polished all day long.only way to go.


beachcatThose wheels look good Ray. Did they clearcoat them?
Originally posted by beachcat:
Those wheels look good Ray. Did they clearcoat them?

They look really good. They must be clearcoated if he's never done anything to them. NICE I agree chrome is better but you have to admire polished Aluminum rims.

Originally posted by beachcat:
Those wheels look good Ray. Did they clearcoat them?

No, Rogers ... and never spent a minute of time polishing them to maintain the look either.

Catfish, agree with outright "shine" ... but then again, chrome can nick then peel ... trade offs for everything, right? To each their own.

This message has been edited by StingRay on 09-02-2013 at 07:36 PM

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