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Topic:chrome radio face plate
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Larry Thompsonwho has the radio chrome face plate and how much?
DUSTII believe you are referring to the 'radio bezel' which is
a 'shimmers' which Mr. Jay Harris carries - here's his
website: www.goldcoastautotronics.com

click on the 'shimmers' icon on top and go from there

Hope this helps !


ChromerIn my opinion (who cares?) the chrome headrest covers by Gary are a more substantive addition and much better value for about the same money..

Different strokes for different folks?


Marty UsherChromer - I agree that the headrest covers are a more visable modification but they cost a bunch more than the Radio Bezel Shimmers.

Radio Bezel $75 to $80 depending on color.
Headrest covers $200 painted $250 chrome

I have had both but no longer have headrests so I sold the covers. The radio bezel accents the chrome shifter bezel and my chrome tach!

This message has been edited by Marty Usher on 10-26-2005 at 08:44 PM

SirRealThe chrome radio bezel is outstanding! I saw it on Myron's Molly at a recent car show. Def on my winter things to do list. It really brightens up the dash. Looking from the back through Gary E's chrome headrest cover with the chrome tach and chrome radio bezel looks great. Jeff
Originally posted by Marty Usher:
Chromer - I agree that the headrest covers are a more visable modification but they cost a bunch more than the Radio Bezel Shimmers.

Radio Bezel $75 to $80 depending on color.
Headrest covers $200 painted $250 chrome

Yo Marty...you're right..I thought sure they were about the same cost but I went in to Jay's sight (after I posted of course) and saw that the Bezel was much less (does it count that you get two head rest covers??) . I stand corrected..


Marty UsherChromer - there you go - head rest covers are $100 to $125 per piece!

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