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Topic:check out the interior
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://listingallcars.com/details/2000-Plymouth-Prowler-Used/8641991114920169765
padrooNot my cup of tea but someone loves red. lol


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WildCatI use to think cars should have black interiors

I really miss having the choice of interior colors, except green, no one should have a car with green interior. Ok I had a few but they were used cars and one a 69 roadrunner with a 440 and other a 69 SS 396/375 Chevelle

But to see a car with an interior with some color is refreshing. The problem I see with that prowler it has too much of the original dark gray.

Yes it is easier and cheaper for the manufacture to offer 2 color interior, but they still screw up. Would like to know how they managed 9 different interior colors on multiple body's on one manufacturing line

I have the foam to make a set of seats for my car, just not sure a yellow interior would look good.

In some cases KISS is the best

Keep It Simple Stupid

Larry & Sue Mayes

Landscape DoctorNot a fan.
FastLaneyou will see these colors like Orange and red in high end cars.

the cost is around $4,000 to redo them.

I like it. its different gives a prowler a different look to what we are used to seeing.

also front end looks done, kind off selling it for cheap

alprowlPainted wheels, with 1 chrome center cap?
Efrem 72Add some red carpet to the dash and front window curtains

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