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Topic:ceramic brake pads
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
blue4twoTired of the black dust.Any suggestions on which ceramic pads to go with, and whether to do fronts and backs?
ALLEY CATRaybestos Ceramic pads OR Carquest Gold Series Ceramic (made for Carquest by Raybestos)

Raybestos part# PGD730QS

Carquest part# GCD 730

Both,,are exactly the same pads.

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 08-21-2011 at 09:54 PM

ed monahanDon't put ceramics on the back.
blue4twoAnything to be aware of when doing this? Besides the center caps. Speaking of center caps, is there a 'safe' way to get them off without damaging them? Only 24000 miles, so will most likely just do the fronts.
ed monahanYou can use a screwdriver wrapped in a rag, but do NOT twist it. You can also use half of a clothes pin, the type with a spring in the middle of it. Separate the two side and use it to pop off the center cap. When putting the center cap back on, use some liquid soap on the 5 points so it slides a little easier.
AFTER you break it, send it to Dick Linneman to get it fixed properly.
ALLEY CATblue 4 2,,,You don't want to do anything to the rears,,leave them alone.

Getting the center caps 'off' is the easy part. Use a plastic trim stick or half of a wooden clothes pin to remove by popping out where the opening is located on the cap.

Putting them back on, w/o breaking, is sometimes the challenge. Put some liquid dish soap on the inner tabs first,,line up correctly, and pop them back on with the palm of your hand.

If you break them,,,do a search by Ed Monahan on center caps.
Good luck...

BradleyGEd and Larry, LOL.. Same advice.. Do you really agree?? Next thing and you will start to look alike.

Blue42.. What Ed and Larry said.

This message has been edited by BradleyG on 08-22-2011 at 04:09 PM

blue4twoSo it's the putting them back on. got it
ALLEY CATBrad,,,,,,,,,Eddie and I were posting at the same time I see you jumped in late, lol.

I think blue4 2 now has it figured out, and all should go well for him on this project.


quote: "Next thing,,, and you will start to look alike."

You decide......................?

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 08-22-2011 at 05:18 PM

ed monahanIt took you 5 minutes to post that crap advice !!!!
Lethia said nothing else lasts for 5 minutes.
ed monahanHad a PM stating they put ceramic on the rear with no adverse effects so far.
anyone else put ceramic on the rear?
alrtgNope, not here.

I installed Raybestos up front when I bought the car a little over 30 months ago 15K miles and still stopping clean. Boy does time fly when driving a Kat.

Originally posted by ed monahan:
Had a PM stating they put ceramic on the rear with no adverse effects so far.
anyone else put ceramic on the rear?

Did they mention how many miles they have on the rear mounted ceramics? And how often do they inspect them?

ed monahanNope, I know Marty and someone else said to watch the inside of the rear rotors pretty closely. I have almost 50,000 miles on the Candy and ought to check them out I guess.
idive http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/002773.html
Waynew has had them on his car since 2006 without issue that I am aware of. He posted another time in about 2008 or so stating no issues yet. The above link was all I found.
DON WIEBERall four of mine are ceramic. i have over 6000 miles on them. clean wheels also.
WINDY CITY PROWLERI believe i have ceramic on the front and rear just turned 60K. No problem yet.
BeWareActually I have never really had a break dust problem on the rear wheels.

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