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Topic:canada legalize-cannabis
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Gort http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/canada-unveils-legislation-to-legalize-cannabis/ar-BBzOrHZ?OCID=ansmsnnews11
padrooThis will be interesting.
Originally posted by padroo:
This will be interesting.

That will bring in a lot of pot heads from the USA. Really it's good for us. Think of all the car accidents that will not be happening in the US because of drugs. We owe Canada . Taking in our illegal aliens and now our pot heads. Long live the Queen.
robinYou thought we were mellow before legalization...
Originally posted by robin:
You thought we were mellow before legalization...

Long live the Queen.

xtreme prowleryou will be better off with just the meth and crack heads ..... seriously im sure crime will go way down with all the weed smokers gone...
xtreme prowler http://www.businessinsider.com/where-can-you-legally-smoke-weed-2017-1

Think about it... the population of California is higher than all of Canada... so unfortunately Gary I doubt many will need to come to Canada as there are twice as many Americans that can legally smoke weed than the entire population of our country...

This message has been edited by xtreme prowler on 04-14-2017 at 04:54 PM

ItpurrsYour missing the point , look at all the $ Canada will make on tourism , we will be able to take in more refugees and give them more money ,,,again. Strange country.
phil2237It is now legal here in California, But the state has made it tough for anyone wanting to buy it legally. Most cities voted that you can't even grow indoors. A few cities do have shops that were given a license by lottery. Our law doesn't take effect till the first of next year. But you can buy it with a medical certificate

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