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Topic:birds are strange
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Nasty CatThere is a bird outside my window that sits on a tree and flys into my window it does it all day long I dont know why it does this.


SirRealI had a Robin do this a couple of years ago.It lasted for about two weeks during mating season. It is the epitome of Well I'll Show Me! Finally I had to tape up two sheets of cardboard before he broke a beak or I went into shell-shock. He flipped me the bird with a mind your own business look. Okay I made the look thing up but the rest is true
ed monahanThey see their own reflection and at mating time they want to hook up. I used to find them lying on the patio after hitting the patio doors. I would have an image on the glass from some type of dust that looked like talcum powder in the shape of the birds. Lots of cardinals.
SirRealNow Ed. even I can tell the difference between a male Robin and a female Robin....OMG I saved a gay Robin
Nasty Catthanks fro the info/tips
LDOK here's a bird tale I'll share with ya....Last year we had this wood pecker, we call em wood hens...they're about a foot tall with a wing span to match, with a beak about the same size too. This thing would make it a habit of sitting on our outside railing and looking at its reflection in the window. We have several hugh windows in the back of the house and sometimes you would see other peckers doing the same thing. Like Ed said, come home and there would be these bird prints all over the windows. No big deal, we see this all the time, but these peckers make a big old print. One particular morning one of these peckers desides he wants to touch its reflection...so here it goes time after time hitting the window, then flying back to the railing...over and over. It was fun to watch, it done this so many times, I had time to set up the video camera and catch it on film...Then the good part comes, we come home from work and find all this vinyl laying all over the deck outside. The SOB'S pecked out the vinyl in 5 of those hugh windows. Anderson windows aren't the cheapest windows around. This could be a lot longer story, but I'll make it short. Being the handy dude I am, I made amends. Fixed the windows and fixed the problem. Can you say 12 gauge!!!!!!!!They taste just like chicken.
Great story there LDD ....

Sandy says Ed's pecker used to hit the windows too... but that was yeaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs ago

GRROWLHere's a bird that slammed into my window:
Originally posted by GRROWL:
Ghost Image - Part II

I was abruptly awakened on Saturday morning with what sounded like a missile hitting the house.

This is what I found in the middle of the bay window - a ghost image of a bird.

Went out a couple of hours later, and no body was to be found. Obviously, Ghost GRROWL attracted a ghost bird.


SirRealGrrowl I'll bet those birds on the Windex commercials aren't laughing now.
YellowFeverWe got those ghost images all the time at our last house. You are right, if we were home it would sound like someone threw a brick at the window.

Other times, we'd just come home to imprints (sometimes several) like that. Man, how dirty does a bird have to be to leave a vapor trail like that........

Nasty Catgreat story LDD

GRROWL thats scary lol

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